[center][h3]Rules[/h3][/center] [u]Everyone's Rules:[/u] [i]** Changes can be made at any point in time without warning, so please check these regularly. ** *** Also make sure to check in with the OOC for regular announcements! ***[/i] 1. Swearing is allowed, but please refrain from dropping the F-bomb every two seconds. Be respectful of those who do not swear themselves. 2. God-moding is [b]NOT[/b] tolerated. I catch you going super saiyan on this RP and I will give you the boot! 3. Cybering / Sexy Times are to be taken elsewhere, and by elsewhere I mean: off this site. Do not pollute this site's good name just because you're going ham with someone else. 4. If you are going to be gone for a period of time, please PM me or someone else within the RP--just so we know where you are. One-Post-Wonders are too common and are unacceptable in my book. 5. I am the Goddess of this RP. What I say--goes. If you have a problem with it, please PM me and we'll discuss it. Don't get all butthurt and make it everyone else's business. 6. Proper grammar and excellent spelling is something I greatly appreciate. If English is not your strong suit, then I may end up giving you a grammar lesson sometime in the near future. -- IF ENGLISH IS NOT YOUR FIRST LANGUAGE: Please let me know! ^_^ I would love to have people from all over the world come together for an RP! 7. Please love and tolerate others! If you don't like em, then don't make it everyone else's business! If you are having issues with another player, [u]let me know[/u]! I'll see what I can do to make your RPing experience with them at least manageable! 8. Have fun and be creative! Almost anything and everything can occur! 9. Please note: I will have "Chapters" set up with some form of storyline for the RP. If you are in the middle of something with someone else, please PM RP and finish it up. Some jumps in the timeline may be a day to possibly a good couple of weeks. Keep this in mind as you're RPing!