-"I was thinking of going to the city as well James, would you mind if I tagged along with you? Which day do you plan to get there? I was thinking of taking dark magic class tomorrow and seeing a new friend". Auron asked James with an uncharacteristic gleeful voice. -"Really? You're not going to any of the temples are you?" James asked back equally surprised and sceptical. -"No. I figured I would relax a bit and see how it looks, maybe buy myself something, I'll see what comes to mind." -"Well, I guess it would be rude saying no. I'm heading in both Saturday and Sunday. Since you're busy tomorrow I guess it'll be best that you come along on Sunday." -"Sounds good to me." Auron gave James a genuine smile, making the blonde boy wince, ever so slightly. [i]Did Lauzurus change him or have I misjudged him? Auron doesn't seem as grumpy and dreary as I thought.[/i] Julius look with a curious smile at the pale boy. [i]Perhaps he's reliable after all?[/i] -"Cool! I would like to buy me some sweets, or hot liquorice! But sadly I ain't got any money left..." Ted looked down with an envious face. -"What did you spend them on?" James asks curiously. -"I spent all of it during the trip to the school on sweets..." The group shared a big laugh together. -"I figured you'd be a sweet-tooth Ted!" Julius said still snickering a little. -"Do you even have sweets where you came from?" Auron asked genuinely curious. -"Pfft, what do you take us Nords for? Savages and cavemen? Nothing beats frozen owlsroots!" -"Ehh, I'll take your word for it. So Julius, about your weekend?" Ted asked humoured. -"Oh, right. I planned on helping rebuilding our house and maybe rest up a bit. I can't imagine next week being any easier than this one." -"I agree. Thanks for the help again Ted, but I think it's getting late." James says yawning. -"Yeah, it's way past my bedtime already. But hey, no one can tell me what to do! I'm as free as a bird! I'll see tomorrow again guys!" Ted waved as he ran back to campus. [hr] Saturday, 11:44 Location: Dark magic classroom -"Very good Auron, you're learning fast!" Ummumaq, as Auron had learned was his teacher's weird name, clucked. The number of students were scarce during the weekend's lesson, and the few that were there were classes way above Auron. However, to his delight was a peculiar girl that he had been eyeing the day before. A pale-ish freshman with wavy black hair and dark eyes. She wore the same black cloak that Auron and the almost all the other in class did. She had been practising the darkness spell while Auron was learning a new spell called "Shadow Blast." By the end of the lesson he had learned how to use it properly, how to form darkness into small concentrated masses and fire them at an opponent to inflict numbness, minor injuries as well as disrupting the target's magic. There hadn't been much room for interaction during class as the two of them were busy sharpening their skills, so once the lesson was over Auron would gather his courage and approach her. While the young boy by all means had the looks going for him there was a whole other matter when it came to social interaction. Auron never had any friends and barely any relatives to practice on. One would easily say he was inexperienced when it came to that sort of thing. However his father did teach him some valuable things during his trials, some of them being formalities and courting (which came off very weird at the time as Auron had never seen much less met a woman). There is an expectation on Auron that he must find someone to make his own one day, perhaps today is the start of something beautiful? With determination Auron walked up the the girl and stopped her. [i]Here goes nothing![/i] -"My lady, excuse my intrusion but I couldn't help but notice your stunning eyes even in this murk. My name is Auron, first born of the house Zecane, who might you be my fair maiden?" Trying to mimic what his father had taught him Auron bowed lightly as he took the girl's hand and kissed it lightly. [i]{Convincing check succeeded!}[/i] When Auron looked up at the pale girl's face it had turned red. -"I- um, I am- eep!" covering her face she ran past Auron and straight through the door. [i]Did I do something wrong?[/i] -"Way to go Zecane!" -"Yeah! Zecane the womanizer!" Auron heard some of the older boys laughing at him at the other side of the classroom. [i]This heat on my cheeks, the twisting in my stomach, it's... Embarrassment...[/i] Auron took off the cloak and put it under his arm before shoving his hands deep in his pockets as he left the classroom. Not until Auron reached campus did he stop and take a deep breathe. [i]Well, that was a fluke, I think... Guess I'll better go visit Mildred at that clubhouse before it's getting late.[/i] [hr] Julius had taken the liberty of sleeping in on a day like this. Satisfied with the extra rest he approached the ruins of their old home as the mid day sun shone strongly above him. In front of the dust covered porch stood two men. One of the was Basil wearing a large tool belt around the waist. The other man however was something out of the ordinary. The man was built like a mountain, tall and bulky with coarse black hair covering his arms. His black beard grew uneven thin over his wide cheek and chin. His white shirt had its arms folded up above his elbows and was covered with many greasy spots. -"Damnable kids! Not only did they feel the need to ruin the cottage, but they also had to hold back enough that it didn't burn to the ground and on top of that trying hard enough that repairs won't cut it! Tit sucking lavender children arrgh!" The man's loud voice vibrated strongly, probably through the whole campus. -"Calm down Anders. Let's just get to work and get this over with. Besides, I heard this was an accident anyway involving some freshman dying." Basil's tone was very condemning. -"At least it's only a waste of resources, coins and our time then. Was that meant to console me you fuckwit?!" The huge man slapped Basil lightly over his cheek, though Julius could imagine it hurting quite a lot considering how strong the man looked to be. -"No need to get all touchy you crude swine. I want to wrap this up just as much as you want and you know it!" -"Ehm, excuse me..." It had taken a lot of courage for Julius to interrupt the fight between the two artisans. -"What the hell do you want freshman?" The towering man turned around most upset. -"Do you mind if I help? I'm sure it would go a lot faster." -"Yeah, sure thing! Let's have a freshman running around the build site, accidentally getting caught in a spell or crushed by a wall, it'll be great!" -"Hey... You're that Nord boy who got in detention! You don't have to worry about this one Anders, he actually got some work drive." Basil cut in, giving Julius a stylish half smile. -"I can't... I just... fffff.... Screw you Basil! Fine! But he stays with you at all times!" -"Yeye, get up there and do some work already. Now, Nord boy, I ain't letting you go all wild and crazy with a sledgehammer on that ruin if that is what you hoped. Here take this hammer." Basil reached behind his back and pulled out a simple hammer that he gave to Julius. "We're going to toss all the scraps to you and you'll determine if anything is remotely salvageable. Nails, screws, wood, anything." As a Nord, Julius only had a vague idea of what Basil meant. -"I'll try my best!" -"I have a feeling you will. Just stay put and we toss the things your way." [hr] After the petty setback back in class Auron strolled through campus looking for the clubhouse Mildred mentioned the other day. [i]I wonder who wants to meet me? And why me? I guess I'm noble and all, but still...[/i] At the far end of campus Auron found cottage three green, though it was more of a house than a cottage, two floors tall with a balcony where two boys leaned their backs against the railing. Compared to the dark magic classroom this place looked very mundane. [i]I guess everything associated with dark magic doesn't have to be dark and gloomy.[/i] Outside the doors on the stairs sat a large and brawny young man with many scars over his knobbly face. When Auron tried to pass him he grabbed Auron's arm with a steel-like grip. Auron grimace in pain as he try to pull loose. -"No freshmen are allowed inside the clubhouse!" He sputter aggressively. -"Brutus, you blind donkey! Can't you see this is Zecane!" Mildred scolds the doorkeeper as he comes through the door. -"I thought he would be older, and stronger." He says dumbfounded after he releases the painful grip. -"Don't mind him Zecane, he wouldn't recognize his own mother. We're very happy you chose to pay us a visit, let's not keep the rest waiting." Mildred put his arm around Auron's shoulders and led him inside. Just like the outside the interior looked very bland. There was a kitchen on the bottom floor and several stacks of chairs next to a few bookcases filled with frayed tomes. A big black rug covered the middle of the room and to the right were the staircase leading up to the second floor. As Mildred continued up the stairs Auron could hear the buzzing of a crowd from the floor above. Feeling nervous Auron swallowed loudly. The top floor was filled with mostly older students, many of them wearing the same type of cloak Auron carried under his arm. The walls were covered with portraits of students, probably students that are or have been of importance to the club. The students in the room looked intensely at Auron as Mildred led him to the middle of the room. -"Auron, first born of the house Zecane, welcome to our modest clubhouse!" In front of Auron stood an older boy wearing a dark robe with several tiny golden stripes stretching diagonally over his chest and legs. He wore a pink tiara adorned with glistering onyxes over his gleaming blonde hair that were combed over his right eye. "I am Laszlo Gallard, master student and the prolocutor of the dark magic club." The boy's voice and body language was positively dripping with charisma and confidence. "Do you know why you're here?" -"Mildred gave me a vague idea." Auron lied. -"Great! Now I'm sure you and your family have experienced a whole lot of injustice during your life. Strangers, rich and poor, judging and shunning you like pests and monsters because you practice or associate with glooming magic. As if you were more evil than any other wizard!" Though Auron could relate to all of that he was convinced that his father had committed much worse sins than practising glooming magic to earn the infamous sobriquet "The Betrayer." "Also we have experienced just that as many other wizards of the same trade, resentment. Two hundred years ago the glooming magic club was founded to bring damnlocks, starlocks, dimlocks and deathlocks together. It wasn't just to share our common interests, but rather to bring us together like a big happy supportive family. It's a tough world out there, there's no shame in seeking comfort." Auron didn't have to look, he could feel how the mood changed in the room and smiles that began to form on the faces of the many students. [i]A big happy family...[/i] "However. Though we're having a jolly good time, this is only a bandage over the bleeding wound that is our reality. I have an aspiration, an ambition, that we can fit into society just like any other wizard. Call me high-flown, but I dream of a reality where we all can be friends and respect each other." -"So where do I fit into this big plan of yours?" Auron asks curiously and slightly taken away by the big ordeal. -"You have something we don't have. Your name." Laszlo flash a big bright smile. -"My name?" Auron tried to hide that he felt a little sad that they only wanted him because he was a Zecane and not because he was Auron. "I'm sorry but my family name won't be of any use to you. It's very tainted and badly regarded." -"Oh I don't think you're seeing the whole picture here. Your family name gives you a privilege we don't have. It doesn't matter how many good deeds [i]we[/i] do, it would just be baseless rumour, the action of an individual or some part of a 'hidden scheme.' And even if it seemed genuine to some it would never change the status qou. But you, with your name comes reputation, everyone knows who the Zecanes are. Everything you do will be reflected upon your name, a name that has been associated with 'the evil of glooming magic.' You single handedly have the power to change if glooming magic is frowned upon or praised!" The thought had never occurred to Auron that all his actions would be reflected on his family name this way. -"So what would you have me do?" -"You just have to be yourself Auron. Be good and kind, help people out and play the hero. Sounds simple enough right? As appreciation we let you into the club. Usually we don't allow freshmen to join but you're a little too special to pass up. So what do you say Zecane?" [hr] Ferociously and methodically the two artisans tear down the ruins of the cottage. Boards, planks and furniture gets thrown in Julius direction as the bare bones of the burnt cottage slowly diminish. Julius begin sorting the scraps in two piles, one for the garbage and one for what looks usable in any way. To no surprise the garbage pile rapidly grows larger to the point that the good pile looks pitiful. After an hour of tedious sorting Julius look up at his old home to see only an empty foundation standing. -"Was that all? They really messed up the cottage good." Basil scratches his head as he inspects the two different piles. "Oh well, we're finished here now. We'll leave you to make the preparations Anders!" Basil picks up the remaining usable scraps. -"Alright, make sure to use the concoction that witch made. And don't forget the stamp!" The large man shouts back. Picking up the last of the nails and bolts Julius hurry after the craft's teacher back to his workshop. When Julius arrive at the workshop it's filled with stacks of wood ready to be refined. -"This is how we're going to do it. I'll be cutting the wood with the machine you used last time. You'll be coating the planks with a thick, oil-like substance we had the dark magic teacher make. It's a new experiment we're trying, apparently it's supposed to increase the woods protection against magic. Be very careful how you handle it. When I tried it out I accidentally spilled some on my favourite shirt, completely ruining it. The stains simply won't go away. When you're done coating the whole piece you'll use that stamp over there." Basil pointed at a big stamp made out of stone. [i]Probably need to use both hands for that one![/i] "If you forget that we'll have to assemble the house by hand." Julius sat down behind the designated workbench and grabbed the large brush that stuck out of the can filled with the sickly dark green goo. When the first piece of wood was slammed in front of him, Julius carefully stroked the plank with the rough brush, covering when side at a time. When he was sure the whole piece was covered he picked up the heavy stamp and dipped it in a tub next to it filled with ghastly white water. When the tip of the stamp were thoroughly wet Julius pressed it firmly against the wood, leaving a large cluster of incomprehensible symbols. [i]Are these magical runes? I heard Agiatha speaking about them in class.[/i] After only a few seconds the mark had vanished, leaving no trace whatsoever. Sorting debris was a tedious task, but coating the planks and stamping them were even tiresome. After four hours of work Julius back, arms and wrists were completely exhausted, trembling with ache. -"Good work... err... I didn't catch your name?" -"Julius, Julius Frost." Julius reached out his limp arm to shake Basil's -"Good work Julius, that should be all the materials we need to finish up our work tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, did you have any plans to help me out again? You really did a good job today and I wouldn't mind having you around. We're going to finish up the furniture and assemble the house if you're interested." [hr] [b][u]Auron[/u][/b] A) Sure, I'm in on this! B) Find someone else to play your pet monkey! C) Let me think about it. *Popularity increased* *New spell acquired* *Black cloak added to equipment* [hider=Character Sheet]Name: Auron Zecane Age: 13 Gender: Man Race: Swedian Strong: 4 Agile: 1 Precise: 2 Discreet: 0 Affined: 8 Psychic: 5 Clever: 3 Vigilant:3 Convincing: 2 Fate: 1 Alignment: +5 Popularity: +10 Well being: -40 Skills: Inner magic (?), Geography (lvl.2) Spectrum: The Glooming (3/4) Elements: Corruption, Demonology, Dark Inventory: Ink and quill, Blue Key, Pamphlet. Money: 5 silver, 23 copper[/hider][hider=Equipment][b]Main Hand[/b] Dagger Short length, straight blade No hilt, wooden grip Looks to be made out of iron, poorly crafted. [b]Body[/b] Cloak - Black Reaches down ankles, hood, long sleeves Told to have protection against negative energies (Whatever that means.)[/hider][hider=Pamphlet][b]-Courses-[/b] [list] [*] Basic magic [*] Raw magic [*] Trance magic [*] Synthetic magic [*] Dark magic [*] Corruption magic [*] Demonology magic [*] Galaxial magic [*] Fire magic [*] Water magic [*] Earth magic [*] Wind magic [*] Nature magic [*] Organic magic [*] Metamorphism magic [*] Will magic [*] Light magic [*] Healing magic [*] Religious magic [*] Arcane magic [*] General education [*] Physical education [*] Art class [*] Crafts class [*] Weapon class [/list] [b]-Rules-[/b] [list] [*]Do not fight without a teachers permission. [*]Do not sleep in any house but your own. [*]Do not share your key to anyone. [*]Do not disobey any teachers. [*]Do not miss morning classes on weekdays. [*]Do not get anyone pregnant. [*]Do not enter school at night. [/list][/hider][hider=Spells][b]-Wither-[/b] Element: [color=708090]Corruption[/color] - [color=708090]Corruption[/color] Difficulty: Medium Level: 1 Slowly kill a target plant or tree within a very short radius. Requires more mana to wither healthier plants. [b]-Underworld link-[/b] Element: [color=A52A2A]Demonology[/color] - [color=A52A2A]Demonology[/color] Difficulty: Easy - Hard Level: 2 Establish a connection with a random demon or a demon you had former contact with in the underworld or a nearby demon. [b]-Darkness-[/b] Element: [Color=000000]Dark[/color] - [Color=000000]Dark[/color] Difficulty: Easy Level: 1 Summon a magical darkness that covers a small area around you, impairing vision of everyone except you. Natural light can barely pierce it [b]-Shadow Blast-[/b] Element: [Color=000000]Dark[/color] - [Color=000000]Dark[/color] Difficulty: Easy Level: 1 Blasts opponents with concentrated masses of negative energies, dealing minor damage and disrupting enemy magics.[/hider] [b][u]Julius[/u][/b] (Open Choice) *New skill acquired!* *Well being decreased.* [hider=Character Sheet]Name: Julius Frost Age: 12 Gender: Man Race: Nord Strong: 6 Agile: 2 Precise: 4 Discreet: 0 Clever: 2 Vigilant: 2 Affined: 2 Psychic: 2 Convincing: 2 Fate: 1 Alignment: +2 Popularity: +5 Well being: -35 Skills: Inner magic (lvl.1), Woodworking (lvl.1) Spectrum: The Potent (2/4), The Glooming (1/4) Element: Raw, Galaxial, Trance Inventory: Prayer beads, Blue key, Pamphlet, B.magic book. Money: 3 copper[/hider][hider=Status][b]Physical Afflictions[/b] None. [b]Psychological Afflictions[/b] Lovestruck - Jenny Redoak It was love at first sight for Julius, now he is helplessly enamoured with the girl.[/hider][hider=Equipment][b]Main Hand[/b] Sword Short length, straight blade Wooden hilt, wooden grip Blade made out of iron, average craftsmanship. [b]Weapon Reserve, Pocket[/b] Dagger Short length, straight blade Silver(?) hilt, Silver(?) grip Blade looks to be made out of silver, average craftsmanship.[/hider][hider=Pamphlet][b]-Courses-[/b] [list] [*] Basic magic [*] Raw magic [*] Trance magic [*] Synthetic magic [*] Dark magic [*] Corruption magic [*] Demonology magic [*] Galaxial magic [*] Fire magic [*] Water magic [*] Earth magic [*] Wind magic [*] Nature magic [*] Organic magic [*] Metamorphism magic [*] Will magic [*] Light magic [*] Healing magic [*] Religious magic [*] Arcane magic [*] General education [*] Physical education [*] Art class [*] Crafts class [*] Weapon class [/list] [b]-Rules-[/b] [list] [*]Do not fight without a teachers permission. [*]Do not sleep in any house but your own. [*]Do not share your key to anyone. [*]Do not disobey any teachers. [*]Do not miss morning classes on weekdays. [*]Do not get anyone pregnant. [*]Do not enter school at night. [/list][/hider][hider=Spells][b]-Empower-[/b] Element: [color=FFFAFA]Raw[/color] - [color=FFFAFA]Raw[/color] Difficulty: Hard Level: 1 Enhance a physical action with pure magic, making it stronger and faster. [b]-Stardust-[/b] Element: [color=ADD8E6]Galaxial[/color] - [color=ADD8E6]Galaxial[/color] Difficulty: Medium Level: 1 Control stardust to impede magic and spells. Can also blind and/or make the victim hallucinate. [b]-Meditation-[/b] Element: [Color=FFEFD5]Trance[/color] - [Color=FFEFD5]Trance[/color] Difficulty: Easy Level: 1 Enter a sleep-like state to relax and dream.[/hider]