[hider=The Firing Squad] [hider=The Hammer] [b]Real Name: Heinrich Gunnar[/b] [b]Alias/Nickname: The Hammer (like a gun hammer?)[/b] [b]Description:[/b] A 6'1", blonde haired, blue eyed German man. Incredibly fit, rippling with muscle. In public, wears a black suit with a dark red tie. While engaged in combat, wears a black and red combat-jumpsuit, and a rather large array of weapons. His face remains uncovered. His hair is short but not buzzed. The Hammer is 34 years old. [b]Distinguishing Characteristics:[/b] The rather large array of weapons, including occasionally a rocket launcher. [b]Inventory:[/b] Black and Red combat-jumpsuit (think Deathstroke). (2X) 9mm Pistols, (2x) Uzi SMG, One of the following, depending: Russian Klashnikov Assault Rifle (AK-47), Custom made sniper rifle, Rocket Launcher, Custom built Light machine gun. A foot long hunting knife. [b]Backstory:[/b] Born and raised in Berlin during the Cold War, Heinrich quickly developed into a cold, hard man. His father was a soldier for the west, secretly running arms to the east. When the USSR collapsed, Heinrich immediately moved to Gotham. He found that guns were in high demand, and began importing and selling them at a low level. As the corruption in the city spread, and the need for weapons rose, Heinrich found that his own business was flourishing. Soon, he had a decent sized following and thousands of weapons to sell. [/hider] [b]Gang Name: The Firing Squad[/b] [b]Gang theme/motif:[/b] Weapons. Lots of weapons. All members wear the black and red colors of their boss, to varying degrees. Even the lowest agents are required to carry at least 2 weapons, the default are a 9mm Pistol and Uzi, but the gang members are free to purchase their own arsenal, which most of them do. [b]Gang colors:[/b] Black and Dark Red [b]Hierarchy (optional):[/b] Boss-The Hammer: Top level position, can be filled if the current Hammer is killed Second-The Trigger: Second in Command to The Hammer, serves mostly as a guard and trusted friend Third-The Mechanisms: In charge of administrative duties, along with commanding the general rabble. Well trained generals. There are 4 maximum Upper Gang Members-The Clips: In charge of smaller individual squads, Each Clip serves as a local commander, similar to a sergeant. The Rabble-The Bullets: All gang members with no specific authority. [b]Dealings:[/b] Weapons (duh) [b]Recruitment:[/b] Guns (Again, duh) [b]Base:[/b] Not filling this in for security reasons. [/hider]