Annabella watched the wolf pull the human child closer to it, and then the child mumbled something that surprised and confused her. Papa. She called the wolf papa. So what did that mean? Had this child been abandoned and taken in by wolves? Or was the child so sick the poor thing was imagining things? She watched as the little girl, in seeing the wolf and herself, walked over to the wolf beside her, kissing it and calling it and'beta lexi'. So then this child did have familiarity with these wolves. The idea that she was raised by wolves was all the more prominent now. She kneeled down next to the wolf and girl, watching as the child cutely pushed the hat off of her head. Anna's eyes widened and though the wolf beside her tried to hide it, it was too late. Gently Anna pushed the wolf's head from the girl's and gasped. The little girl had wolf ears. She looked shocked, then confused. She glanced about the wolves around her, then back at the child, unsure what to say at this moment. She want even sure what was going on. Gingerly, Anna picked up the hat and placed it on the little girl's head, speaking softly, "Keep the hat on sweetie. Its very cold in the snow and if you get too cold you'll get more sick..." After getting the little girls hat on, Anna pulled her own winter jacket off, even though that left her in the freezing snow with nothing but a t-shirt and jeans, and put it around the girl like a blanket before standing, looking over at the alpha, "Ill go get some medicine. Please don't go anywhere. Ill be back as son as I can." She didn't know what all was going on with this pack, but all she knew was that the wolf child needed help and she wad going to be the one to help her. She turned, running back toward the town as quickly as she could, determined to do what wad right in this situation. --- Connor looked down at Natalie when she asked him to never get her angry. It seemed like such a strange thing for her to say, but all the same, he nodded to her request, "Okay. I promise. I will never try to get you angry." Then he smiled at her, "I won't worry too much. Just hurry back so we can have our study date, alright?" He said with a playful wink and laughed as they walked into the classroom, "So what are you majoring in anyway?"