Solanne raised an eye as she felt something soft rest near her side. She was about to verbally complain when she caught sight of just who decided to nap beside her. Her eyes twitched, the desire to reprimand the culprit slowly dying in resolve. How fun. The resident psycho with the snake and poison fetish had decided she was the best person to nap with. [color=f26522]“Er, Apophis? You know we’re gonna get our mission soon, y’know? And I know it’s a really, really nice day and all, but do you have to use me as a practical pillow?”[/color] Solanne asked, trying to shift away from the creepy girl. Honestly, the Crimson Hound had dealt with more than her share of people who weren’t quite right in the head. With a sigh, she crossed her arms behind her head and leaned back. Glancing at the sky, she said, [color=f26522]“Speaking of which, shouldn’t we be getting our missions soon anyway? Honestly, old Word Weaver sure likes to give us time to think to ourselves, y’know,”[/color] using her nickname for the Boss.