[center][h3]Tales from the Asimov Lounge[/h3] [i]Or...[/i][/center] [h1][center]CHEERS IN SPAAACE![/center][/h1] Back in the old days, when Humanity had only just left the ole Cradle of Civilization, space was pretty much a strictly military-scientific realm. Your average John Q. Astronaut or Yuri Alexeivich Cosmonaut had a pretty hard time unwinding out in the void. Them days are past- and I mean long past. You got bars, casinos, whole resorts orbiting this or that little star, millions upon millions of miles from Earth. But that's mostly in the centers of commerce and industry, and along the major trade routes, where humans rub shoulders with all kinds of funky-looking aliens. Some of 'em friendly, and some of 'em a bit touchy when you bring up probes and cattle mutilations. But we're a long way from center, friend. A good long way, as it happens. Out here, long-haul freighter captains and hard-drinkin' miners are your most common sort, and never mind the pirates. But I thank ya for choosing the Asimov Lounge on good ol' Tsiolkovsky Station anyway. It's the best saloon this side of Alpha Centauri, if I might say so myself. Might not look like much- but we serve as a much needed oasis for folks that find themselves out this way, humans and otherwise. Little known fact- the Grays just love Mojitos. Did'ya know that? It's true. Just about anything with rum in it, really. I'm dead serious, they'll drink down Admiral Nelson like it's Pinot Noir, and then talk about its wonderful bouquet- whatever the Hell that even means when you're talking about hard liquor. But I'm ramblin'. If you're a miner, a small time courier, or a "gentleman of the spacelanes," this is the place for you, friend. And if you're after gainful employment, I hear the station is hiring on new hands in most sections. Did y'hear? Dreadful accident last week in the airlock, wiped out a lot of good people. We held a little party in here, actually, in memory of the honored dead, and all that. If yer not really qualified for government work, I could actually use a few more employees, since Jack and Linda called it quits and moved back to Mars. Weren't cut out for life out here, I guess. Some of the other shopkeepers on Main Street- that's what we like to call the Promenade, Main Street- are looking for folks. Hell, there's even a couple of open storefronts, if you got a bit of capital stored up. Anyhow, I'm Dan O'Brien, I own this fine establishment. Now, are you gonna let me gab all day, or are you gonna order a drink? [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/6c87/i/2013/064/1/2/space_pirate_bar_by_meckanicalmind-d5x4fgx.jpg[/img] [center][h3]About Tsiolkovsky Station[/h3][/center] Tsiolkovsky Station is a Class-4 Civilian station operating on the edge of Human space, and nominally answers to the United Terran States. First constructed a little over two decades ago in 2390, the station is roughly cylindrical in shape, and consists of five decks: In ascending order, these decks are Engineering, Cargo, Ore Processing, Civilian, and Security/Command. [b]The Engineering Deck[/b] is headed by the chief engineer and houses the sublight engines and the power core, in addition to several other vital systems such as the artificial gravity and the air recycling system. [b]The Cargo Deck[/b] is run by the Station Quartermaster, handling and storing all incoming and outgoing cargo. This section also handles routine cargo-related communications and facilitates docking procedures for inbound and departing vessels. [b]The Ore Processing Deck[/b] is the domain of the local Mining Authority Foreman, who answers directly to his corporate superiors. All raw ores and minerals brought to the station from the nearby asteroids are processed here. The smooth operation of this deck is considered vital to the continued existence of Tsiolkovsky station, being its chief source of income. [b]The Civilian Deck[/b] falls under the command of no particular department head, but any trouble is promptly sorted out by the Chief of Security. This deck is laid out in a simple loop, bringing a visitor in a large circle if they were to keep walking down the Promenade, often called Main Street by locals. Quarters are to be found on this deck, including accommodations for visitors at the Starlight Inn and the Asteroid Hotel. The Asimov Lounge is one of the chief landmarks of this deck, while many other shops and restaurants of numerous descriptions can also be patronized. Additionally, the Civilian Deck houses the infirmary, which presently lacks an actual doctor. The nurses have attempted to pick up the slack, but management is offering a hefty sign-on bonus to anyone capable of holding the post of Chief Medical Officer. [b]The Security and Command Decks[/b], being essentially two sections together, are run by the Chief of Security and the Station Commander directly. The brig, courtroom, and security office are to be found here. The Commander runs Tsiolkovsky from the Bridge, from which communications, shields, weapons and the maneuvering thrusters are operated. [hr] [i]All lifeforms disembarking at Tsiolkovsky Station, organic or otherwise, must fill out this brief form before leaving the docking ring. Failure to do say may result in criminal prosecution and fines up to a maximum of 1000 Terran Credits. Visitors and potential inhabitants are warned against acts of violence and other criminal activities aboard the station, being here forewarned that all such activities will be punished to the full extent of Earth law.[/i] [u][b][center]Immigration/Visitor Form 2-B[/center] [/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Please use the Latin or Cyrillic alphabets, or the Chinese character set. If your species' language is rendered in ideograms/other non-phonetic symbols, please approximate as best you can. [b]Race:[/b] If non-human, please briefly note your races chief characteristics, whether or not your race has made official contact with the United Terran States, and whether or not your race is capable of withstanding a nitrogen-oxygen gas mixture and the pressure of one standard Earth atmosphere. [b]Age:[/b] In Standard Earth years, please. [b]Gender:[/b] Please indicate male, female, neither, or other. If 'other,' please explain. [b]Appearance:[/b] Either a photographic image or a prose description is acceptable here. [b]Personality:[/b] This section is entirely voluntary, and only serves the Security Section's new criminal profiling initiative. [b]Skills:[/b] See 'Personality,' above. [b]Reason for Visit:[/b] Why you're visiting the best station this side of Alpha Centauri! [b]Bio:[/b] Tell us about yourself! Duly note that all references to past crimes, both prosecuted and unprosecuted, will remain in the strictest confidence. [b]Equipment:[/b] All weapons and controlled substances must be declared upon docking. [b]Position applying for:[/b] If you're seeking exciting job opportunities, Tsiolkovsky Station is the place to be. Non-crew applications will be forwarded to the relevant parties. [center][h2]DRAMATIS PERSONAE[/h2] [b]Johnnytrash as [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3146162]Dr. Brent Bradford,[/url] the Station Psychiatrist AtlasRedfox as [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3146627]Atlas "Atti" Dasun,[/url] the Station Quartermaster Lord Coake as [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3147193]Officer Traz Varak,[/url] of Station Security Windicator as [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3147092]Officer Maksimilian Abram Lagounov,[/url] of Station Security SuperTacticalDerp as [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3156789]Arnold Kent,[/url] the Mining Authority Foreman User as [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3146972]Charles 'Spanner' Richardson,[/url] of Station Engineering KaiserElectric as [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3166747]Zhen Lin Shi,[/url] an alien waitress who is almost certainly not hiding a mysterious past[/b][/center]