Name: Vincent Johnson, aka Prophet Age: 45 Alignment/Position(Good/Evil, Gang-Member, Crimelord, etc.): Lawful Evil Crime lord Preferred Dialogue Color(please put the color code): [color=8882be][color=8882be][/color][/color] Height: 6'3 Weight:250lbs Appearance(Pictures not required, but appreciated): [hider=Prophet] [img][/img] [/hider] General Apparel: Prophet is often suited, it is widely known that he'd rather look good than win- though he rarely loses. A bigger gentleman, Vincent favors the classic three piece suit over something more contemporary, he looks like he walked right out of a Dick Tracy comic. Lifestyle Notes (Marriage, Children, Pets etc.): Prophet is a ladies man at heart, if he has a weakness, it is a willing smile and a pair of breasts. He has a number of children, but he claims none openly. Honestly, the man could probably open an orphanage. He has a pit bull named Zeus- he's honey brown with yellow eyes. It is joked that the dog is the only consistent bitch in his life. Location (The City is home to 5 districts, choose one: Political/Financial, Port, Commercial, Residential, or Industrial district; describe which parts of the district your gang controls, or where your hero lives):Prophet aspires to be a politician, so his struggle is in keeping a clean image in the midst of all the profit that is to be made illegally. His network is primarily in the political district, spilling over to the port for reasons of utility. Afflictions: Aging. Likes: Dogs, women Dislikes: liars, rats, children Fears: exposure- being lied to, being betrayed Superhuman Ability and Description: Telekinesis (Movement) Pushing/pulling objects with his mind. The larger the object, the closer that Prophet needs to be to it to move it. Further concentration on an object (and further familiarity) allows him to affect properties of the object, to be learned in later levels. History(At least a paragraph, preferably more): Vincent was a scholarly student, with a swagger to match his brash attitude. At first, the young man's intellect allowed him a finer education, but after high-school his parents died in a shootout in the residential district, and he was forced to abandon his exploits to fend for himself so he did not end up in the foster system. He immediately took to the streets, gaining favor as a means for survival. There was a time where he was no longer surviving, he was thriving. It was at that point he adopted his following. Specializing in smuggling illegal goods from one district to another, Prophet easily builds relationships and adds to his territory, which is more of an agreed courtesy between the more violent gangs. Follower/Gang Information(If Crimelord): The BLC (Blacklight Cartel) Spies, information and intrigue are his main caveats, he only has two assassins, though they are formidable in their own right. The majority of his contacts are just that, contacts, and not street thugs. He doesn't have the manpower that other bosses do, which allows him for some interesting alliance prospects.