“Of course, just follow me.” Marlona’s words remained upbeat, having been pleased to hear Killashandra’s interest to stay around for a little while longer. While her advances returned at a casual pace, her mind ventured along an imaginative state, pondering over the tales yet to be told on this tranquil night. Upon reaching Nyishla, Marlona refocused her sights. “If you wouldn’t mind, I would love to hear about this temple and you as well, Nyishla. If it wouldn’t be too much trouble that is.” An audience of two certainly wouldn’t be too much to handle for such a wise earth spirit. “If that is what you seek, my dearest faun, then I have no problems at all sharing my people’s memories to the both of you, for they hold no purpose when locked tightly away from such an evolving world as ours.” Nyishla’s eyes were drawn towards Killashandra. “Even if I offer up nothing beyond what you see here, in regards to accommodations, feel free to wander about my chamber and have a look at anything you desire. If any questions happen to arise while my words bring forth the past, feel free to ask for an explanation and I would be welcome to do so.” Even Nyishla realized there was far too much historical knowledge to be understood in its entirety for a single night’s duration. Knowing so, Nyishla gave both Killashandra and Marlona a moment to take another glimpse around the spacious chamber before continuing along with her words. “Was there something that may have caught your attention… anything at all? Possibly the tree that was once meticulously engraved into my chamber door? Or maybe you wish to find out about the eight circling statues that once stood tall around us. Could it be the trio of doors, sealing away possible secrets that allure your eyes? Maybe it is just to find out what Nyishla really is.” “How about the great tree I’ve been noticing all throughout the temple. I am certain it must have significant meaning for you, Nyishla.” Marlona responded enthusiastically. Behind distant eyes, a sense of longing returned for a moment, before reminiscent words spoke aloud soon after. “For Nyishla… and all of the Niya who have ever existed in this world, there remains only a single mother for which we’ve ever known… the great mother tree. Standing tall above every season, she gave us life and gave us shelter throughout the passage of time. For you see, unlike the majority of the world that surrounds us all, shifting from season to season in a natural rhythmic cycle, our mother tree had reached out and embraced them all. To the north, heavy snow and thickened ice clung forever to her frozen limbs… to the east, young leaves found comfort eternally upon her steady warmth… to the south, her leafy vibrancy never ceased to outlast even the most heated of days… and to the west, everlasting foliage entertained limitlessly. Nyishla remains unsure how our mother tree had accomplished such a miraculous feat, maintaining a hold of these rambunctious seasons all at once, but the truth remains so since the very first of our kind had ever been born. Unlike most races or species upon our world, each one of our lives began from the life branches from up above… the same ones that extend to touch the different seasons. Hanging from these branches were the fruits of every unborn Niya waiting to gracefully descend upon the land below and finally take form. A Niya fruit that had grown far too heavy for our mother tree dropped naturally to the ground below where steady growth resumed. There each of us remained until sprouting took place, emerging safely from our structured walls. Outside of how we were born, Niyishla’s life cycle has shared that of almost every other, going through infancy to adulthood, though far more rapidly. Even though this isn’t much cause for concern, I feel as though we are still viewed with a scrutinizing eye due to our seemingly immortal physical forms. Our extraordinary rate of regeneration was almost unheard of from outsiders to our own little world. It has also been proven that with this same gift we Niya can also rejuvenate the land around us… collective efforts far more superior of course. Throughout our years of existence we’ve helped others and made allies. At the same time we have also made enemies just for the existence of our very nature alone. Mistakes have also been made along the way, yet our punishment still weighs heavily upon Nyishla to this very night.” Her words dissipated all while lingering memories reminded her of those painful sacrifices that still waited ahead in history.