[quote=@Dead Cruiser] Interested, incidentally, but I have a couple of questions. First, what do we know about our guild? Its facilities, ranking, goals, etc. I have an idea for a character that is from a roleplay guild, but I'll have to know whether or not there is a "former" in there somewhere. Secondly, is this contemporary with the story of Overlord? I have some reservations against fandom RPs that run directly into the canon plotline of their respective subject matter. Especially in this case, since it clashes directly with the canon fate of all of those that stayed online for the server crash. I'm sure I'll think of more, but this is what I have for the moment. [/quote] The guild is primarily an information guild. Not so much focused on PvP as it is information brokering, banking, bartering for rare items and writing guides for new players (back in the day at least). They did their fair share of PvE and even managed to collect a few World Items which have become the greatest treasures of their guild, but basically they're more of a "business" guild than a PK guild like Ainz Ooal Gown. They're based out of a hollowed out mountain that used to house a small dwarven kingdom and a large underground mine. I'll provide more details later. As for that second part... well I can't really tell you because of spoilers. I'll PM you with a more straightforward answer, but I'm afraid that's a question I can't just give away. At least not yet.