[b]Tyler look back up at Jihyo and understood immediately, that if he didn't turn off the annoying sound of Brazilian remix laughs, there'd be skull fragments of everywhere.[/b] Tyler quickly turned off the hues and closed his laptop. Looking down in fear, Tyler decided to get out of Dylan's chair while he was at it as he could see that Jihyo was very annoyed at him. Picking up his laptop, Tyler made an odyssey to the couch next to Emilian's chair and plopped down. He re-opened his laptop to play some Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, but then noticed that people were bringing in their games and systems and realized he should have done the same. Putting down his laptop, Tyler carefully side-stepped past Jihyo and headed for the stairway, leading him up to his room. He burst through his door and went straight for his Black Xbox 360 Elite, its 4 Black controllers, and some games including Dark Souls, GTA V, Skyrim and Oblivion(just in case), Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, and Halo: Combat Evolved. He also decided to bring F-Zero, for the SNES. [b]Carefully[/b], Tyler cautiously tip-toed his way back down to the room below his and entered the room, taking his shoes off this time. Tyler, putting down his systems and games with the rest of the bunch, grabbed a Sprite(the best soft-drink ever) and sat down. [b]He then continued slashing-n-hacking some fools with the Vanguard's Claymore in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.[/b]