Name: Traz Varak Race: Jekult, a lizard-like humanoid race, complete with scales(provide slight body armor), head crests, and a tail. They do not, however, need to bathe in heat to move, are capable of surviving on earth or earth-like conditions, and have established official contact with the United Terran States. Age: 50 years old Gender: Male Appearance: Traz stands at an imposing 6 feet 8 inches tall and has a large, well-built body. His scales are a light grey color, with a green crest of spines running across the top of his head. His face is elongated in a snout of sorts, though less pronounced due to his humanoid form. Personality: Sarcastic, gruff, very blunt. Tact and Subtly are things he outright ignores, preferring to tell someone off to their face rather than hide behind words. Skills: Fighting, Drinking, Shooting, having a smart mouth. He's good at his job, but his more blunt nature keeps him away from many promotions. Reason for Visit: He's a security officer(If this needs changed let me know) Bio: Formerly a mercenary hired to guard merchant starships, he got bored with the constant traveling, and wanted to settle down somewhere, but still wanted his skill-set to be useful. He remembered this station from his time traveling as a nice place to live, and signed up as a security officer. Equipment: His uniform, civilian clothing, and a pistol. Position applying for: Security Officer