Richard walked to the hangar, smoking a cigar. He had detoured to his private quarters to pick his backpack he kept always packed for rapid situations like this. He had his officer's uniform on and a black beret on his head. He carried a big olive green backpack, that held his combat gear and clothes. Richard gazed around the hangar. The engineers were already preparing the Rex, and Richard spotted Doctor McCulloch - "the Great and Terrible", as one of her assistants had once told Richard. Beside her was Ensign Griffon. A good young lad, but he apparently had some trusting issues. [i]He has a lot to learn[/i], Richard thought, and exhaled some smoke from his lungs. [i]Like I did at his age.[/i] Richard walked to the two. All the engineers and the like were hurrying around to their posts. A few of them saluted Richard, and he saluted them back briefly. Standing beside McCulloch and Griffon, he asked, "How are the midgets?". He put the cigar in his mouth. Richard sometimes referred the Colossi as midgets just to annoy her.