He listened with a thin grin on his face. For some reason, there was a great deal of pride in him getting Hope to admit what she was, and that all that time he spent actually helped him decide who she really was...He looked up, shutting his mouth lightly as she did too. She questioned his beverage, an attempt at small talk. Strange after what had happened half an hour ago...when they were in locked combat... [color=00746b]"T-this...Uhm...Small drink....uhhh...vodka...I believe. The branding states that it is c-called Devil's Pride, something that has stayed with me for a long...long time...It started in the training Camp...where me and...and....and Yuri...drank it together. It...it has a sweet fruity taste...Yuri was extremely in love with it, and you could say it completely challenged his love for Annella...g-geez...seems weird that the two sort of worked it out amazingly...Y-you...ever heard or Yuri...of Annella? Not even me? I...I am quite well known now...uhhh...Grant Trinity...."[/color] Grant quietly looked down. It was true. He was known for so much. Nearly topping the 132nd Western Trainee Squad...Surviving the Mission deep into Yupian...for saving thousands upon thousands in the struggle for Klorva...for having leadership in the take-back of Klorva and the last stand at Yahkell...for taking amazing care of everyone in the Eastern region's wall defence...and now...for being a gigantic monster...for killing more than a hundred Scouts without little conciousness...for betraying mankind without any intentions...