Bastian let out a long, deep laugh at Alissa's suggestion. "Ahahaha! Still getting acclimated, I see. Hector's right. Even if we could ask the pigs for help, they'd take far too long to dig anything up. It's also true we need to mount an investigation. And though it pains me to say this..." the werewolf's face grew solemn. He instinctively reached for a cigarette, before stopping himself and entwining his fingers. "Alissa, you're a pup, and your face isn't known. This layer of anonymity makes you perfect for spying. The leeches know my face, otherwise I'd do it myself. I'd like to send Hector, but his reputation rivals my own. Still..." he leaned back. "She'll be vulnerable by herself. Eavesdropping and spying would be safest if Alissa took the lead, posing as whatever alias she needed. Hector could tag along in case it goes south. Obviously, you should both keep your identities hidden, but if Hector's recognized talking to her in public... try to pass her off as your human friend. Or girlfriend; it doesn't matter as long as you keep your stories straight."