[center][img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/cb94/f/2012/130/5/a/helicarrier_from_the_avengers_by_ghost1565-d4zaq2g.jpg[/img][/center] Tony Stark had to really think about the pros and cons about the suit, the thrill and good it did compared to the risks and fact he is a CEO of a Fortune 500 company. He never was one to give up but he wasn’t an idiot either. Either way Tony could only hope to have time to ponder the issue before things got ugly again. Before Tony could really dwell on the thoughts for much longer some guy in a suit that was needless to say wasn’t leaving the wearer’s nationality in question. All it needed was a cheeseburger and an assault rifle and it’d be perfect, maybe something xenophobic too. “I’m sorry did I need a members card and overly American suit to get healed up around here?” Tony snipped out quick as only a Stark could. Remembering that he should probably try to be civil Tony Stark stood up and held out a hand to Sam. “Well since I’m as internationally known as I thought I was, what’s your name mister…. America?” Tony asked still puzzled by the suit a bit. If nothing else he was craving Wendy’s. Do they have one on the ship? Sam shook his hand. “Well, I guess kids these days don’t watch the news. Sam Wilson, Captain America. I would have thought a Stark would recognise the Uniform. Guess not.” He looked at Valkyrie giving her a questioning look. “Also, S.H.I.E.L.D is an international agency. The Captain America suit and shield are a throwback to the original Captain America who was lost in World War Two, surely you at least know of him?” He turned to look at Valkyrie. “I don’t know if [i]Ross[/i]-” He said the name with some hint of disdain “- Told you this but I’m putting together a team. Here’s your formal invitation, and Mr.Stark. I’d like for you to be a tech consultant.” Keep it short, keep it simple. “Oh really? Here I thought you were just playing dress up.” Tony Stark already was not enjoying Sam’s tone with him. There was an aire of superiority to it that made Tony want to use his now healed arm and put it through the guy’s face. It was the kind of crap he had to put up with constantly when he took over his dad’s job. Just because he was 19 years old people already assumed he couldn’t handle the position and responsibilities. Tony took it as an insult, as he knew his dad was preparing him for the role from the day he was born. To insinuate Tony wasn’t ready to run the family business meant belittling his father to him. The biggest insult you could do to the young Stark. “Look I happen to run a multi-billion dollar organization in case [i]you[/i] don’t read the news past the funny comics. I don’t have time to pay attention to every little detail of the world, especially any news considering a guy who runs around pretending to be someone else.” He was familiar with Captain America, even the interesting urban myths that the person who did all the public appearances wasn’t actually the man himself, and that the real Captain America was either a woman, an African-American, even a Native American depending on who you ask. Either way all the stories about him made him come off as very respectable, something Sam Wilson clearly had no idea on. Still the tech consultant role sounded good to Stark, it meant good publicity for Stark Tech to work with something that would be incredibly high profile. Plus if nothing else Tony knew he needed to do something to get back on S.H.I.E.L.D.’s good side. While Fury never said anything directly to him or anyone else. Tony had heard through the grapevine that the director wasn’t pleased at all that they lost a big supplier in their weapons because of what Tony did to the company. “Now as for the consulting position, eh sure why the Hell not.” Tony responded with a shrug. “I don’t pretend to be anyone else. You’re in the big world of adults now, sometimes a title. An ideal needs to have a physical presence. I was chosen to do this, I didn’t chose it. I’ll do this job till I die or someone else comes along. I spent years training for this, and was lucky enough that my blood would accept what little of the super soldier serum S.H.I.E.L.D has left. You might have your fancy tech, but I have training kid. Hell, maybe if this all pans out Iron Man can become more than a pipe option-” He raised a hand and indicated Valkyrie. “-After all. You wouldn’t be the first Rook I trained.” “Oh I’m in a big world of adults now?!” Tony feigned shock with his hands up to his cheek. He was getting fairly sick of Sam’s belittling tone and was ready to just get back to the company so he can get started on getting things fixed up. When he is confused on choices or frustrated, like Sir ‘Murica was making him. Work was usually a good way for him to unwind. “Hey it’s great you have a ‘rah rah’ heartfelt story to tell all the good little boys and girls. But don’t assume for one second being an adult means violence towards someone who disagrees with you and war with lots of people who disagree with you.” Tony planted a finger right onto Sam’s chest. “Hell you wouldn’t last a day in the world of business. I’ve dealt with people who would talk you out of anything you had just because they felt like it. People who make Chinese water torture look like an afternoon on the beach. People who make any terrorist you deal with look like a cheap bitch. You can think you’re a big boy all you want, truth is, you probably don’t even know what being a grown up even [i]means[/i].” With that Tony gave Sam a very mocking salute and headed out of the medical room to get a transport back to work. “Oh and Cap?” Tony paused at the exit and turned back, needing to get this last part off his chest. “I don’t know if I’m keeping the Iron Man program going or not, but if I am, I’m sure as Hell not wasting it on you.” With that, Tony turned and left. Sam just turned to look at Valkyrie as the, well, brat left. “You know, I faced a telepathic pterodactyl earlier and an army of dinosaurs. I’d rather take the pterodactyl again than go through that again.” He shuddered. “How the other half lives eh? I don’t know how you did all the political and business maneuvering back when you were with your family Valkyrie. I’m sorry but I really don’t. I hate fighting as much as the next guy, but I’d rather go into the fight myself and perhaps lose my life in the process than let some innocent person who wasn’t prepared take the bullet for me.” He sighed. “Anyway, I know you’ve known Stark for a long time. If you want to go after him, on you go. I’ll be in touch but until then-” He turned to leave the room as well. “Our glorious leader awaits.”