The room was dark apart from one light in from the fireplace in the corner of the room. A young girl was coughing badly, laying on a bed by the fire, her face pale and sweat pouring down. A doctor was sitting by her side and sighed, moving back and shaking his head. "There's nothing I can do for the child...we just don't have the medicine or time to fix this...I am so sorry..." The men looked over to the other side of the room where a hooded figure stood by the window, not facing the man. He heard a sigh then said "Another life lost because of how things are...I don't think we can wait any longer..." The hooded figure walked over and picked the girl up, keeping the blanket wrapped around her. The doctor jumped up and said "You can't move her, she's barely hanging in there as it is..." The hooded figure turned to the doctor and said "You have done what you can for her its my turn to do what I can do...your payment will be by the door when you leave...are the supplies I asked for here?" The doctor nodded and said "But I told you, a transplant is useless without a new heart which we don't have..." The hooded figure chuckled and said "Your kind of heart yes...not my kind of heart..." The hooded figure left the room, the doctor standing there dumb founded.... Years later... Lady Margaret Moon sat in the lounge, drinking herb tea and listened to the other patrons talking of their small worries. She shook her head, looking down at the newspaper she was reading and turned a page. She had a robotic wolf at her feet, the steam powering him coming out of his nose. She was waiting for someone, but wasn't staying unnoticed by others in the room, but she didn't mind. A lady of her standing never went unnoticed unless they tried very hard not to be seen.