The door opened and a huge man with white hair and bright green eyes, but young, walked in. He looked around and saw Lady Moon and made his way to her, sitting down and said "Its all in place. we will hear the vote as soon as its made at the capital building. Once we hear that vote, then we make our move..." Margaret looked up at him and said "Bane...remember your temper. We just need to see how things are going to play out before any move is made, alright? Now I am heading to the vote in a few minutes. Mind getting the car for me?" Bane nodded and got up, heading back outside. She shook her head and said "So jumpy...he needs a vacation soon..." Lady Moon walked up the stairs to the Capital Building, her steam powered wolf at her heels. She got to the door and it was opened for her and she walked in with her pet. She headed to the court room, walking with a purpose and a fire burning in her eyes. A hand shot out and took hers, a man smiling at her slyly. "I heard the terrible news, Maggie...that nasty tax might be passed today..." Margaret frowned and said calmly "I am Lady Shade to you, Norman...and the tax will pass or fail depending on the will of the I ask you let go of my hand before Fang here decides to remove it for you..." Her wolf was growling, his eyes glowing gold as his systems got hot. Norman smirked and said "I could help you drown those sorrows night with a drink and company..." Margaret glared and said "I would rather drink poison then spend an evening with you...Lord Drake..."