[@Apollosarcher][@FantasyChic] Anya nodded when he mentioned the fact she was undead, point taken. When David was done speaking, Anya spoke up. "Isn't your staff like...a holy relic type thingy?" She asked. "If it is, I kinda can't touch it. I value full use of my hands ya kno'" She stared at his staff momentarily before resuming conversation, "That said, I also agree it'd be best to get Liz and Dmitri's help on this. Although Liz is young, she has to be doing something right to still be alive." She told them. "As for watching you in the church..wellll I'd rather [i]not[/i] burn and or get staked by a priest." Anya said, shrugging. At that time, Trinity had spoken up. She frowned, both for the fact she had basically said no one would like her and she made an undead joke. She contemplated slapping her or kicking her in the shin for the undead joke, but didn't. At-least, not yet. "As much fun as it'd be to watch your little escapade un-fold Trinity, I think you'd stand a better chance with David on the inside with you." Anya giggled, enunciating certain words into obvious innuendos. She then re-thought the offer of watching him at the church, she should be fine as long as she didn't go in, right? "On second thought, I think I will watch your freaky Solomon voodoo future gaze. I can like, watch through a window." She told David, smiling.