While walking down the final hallway to the Court Room Harper was helped into his overcoat by a servant. "My Lord everyone is here and accounted for." she said while pulling a notepad out and scribbling out words with a pen. "Good and make an appointment with the Royal Surgeon, my arm is scraping the nerves in my spine again." "I will have him in your presence by the end of the meeting, my Lord." "And how are the preparations for the banquet coming along?" "The invitations have been sent and the venue has been confirmed, my Lord. We are waiting for your approval of the meal selections" "I'll have that decided by the end of the day." "Very good , my Lord." The servant bowed then scurried off back the opposite way leaving only Harper and his two armed escorts. The ushers pushed open the doors to the room. Everyone in the court stood from their seats, bowed and waited for their ruler to take his seat as custom dictates. Harper took his seat at the head of the table and motioned his escort away. He nodded in acknowledgement to the people of the room. Silence was disturbed by the sounds of everyone taking their seats. Harper waited for silence. He took a moment to scan the faces of the court doing the best to ignore the constant pain in his spine and arm. "As we all know the Middle and Low classes of our city have been refusing to pay taxes in order to keep this city functional and in shape. We have tried to reason and show mercy in this little matter, however my patience is running very thin. I've called on you all to hear my final say and to listen to any alternate problems for the--extreme measures I am going to have to take to keep things in order. Now is the time for any propositions regarding the matter." A small voice filled the silence. "My Lord, aren't we here to discus and vote on a solution not to hear one final proposition?" Harper looked at Gerald and smiled warmly. "I'm sorry Gerald but the matter has been settled already. We are to raise taxes by 40% and anyone who resists will be considered traitors of the common people and are to be executed on the spot. You can understand how you weren't invited to this meeting seeing as you represent the lower classes. We didn't want any biased votes, it seems you were not properly informed."