"My Lord, this is a direct violation of-" Gerald's voice was cut short by the sound of a pistol being chambered. The click echoed silencing the murmurs of all the Lords and Ladies who obviously were not invited to the meeting mentioned. "Lord Gerald you forget yourself. You do remember that I am serving as High Lord in place of Dansell Fredrick. He has entrusted me with all powers of High Lord if anything my word is law and I don't have to listen to any retorts. Those who oppose the word of High Lord are considered to be treasonous. You do know what happens to those who commit treason I'm sure? The cold barrel of a pistol was placed on Lord Gerald's temple freezing him in his place. "I asked you a direct question Lord Gerald." Lord Gerald frantically nodded his head. Harper's escort retracted and holstered his pistol. "I ask again, are there any alternate solutions to this problem?" Harper was met with silence. "No? Good. All Middle and Low class citizens are required to pay 40% more in taxes effective immediately. All tax evader are pardoned but further refusal to pay taxes will be considered treason and will be met with death. Court dismissed.