When the doors were opened a white haired man was waiting for Harper's escort and handed him a envelope. "From Lady Moon for your boss...be sure he reads that..." He turned and vanished into the crowd, heading outside to wait for his lady. The letter would read [i]Dear Harper, I know we have not be formally introduced, but I must advise caution with the actions of this new tax raise. Things are not as the seem in the lower classes as our loving leaders would like us to believe. Please move with caution, for it may be the undoing of us all to move to harshly against those with nothing to truly lose. If you wish to talk further, you know where to find me. Your fellow Keeper of Life, Lady Moon[/i] Margaret made it to her office, her hand causing her to stumble into the room, closing the door behind her. She gasped, pulling her glove off to show her normally white smooth skin burned and charred from the electroshock from her defense gloves. She moved to her desk, barely making to her chair to sit down. She took a few deep breaths, not able to get her other hand free of the other glove to put something on the burn. She cursed softly and said "That moron Drake...I wasted a test on him...but I will need to fix this bug before I make more of them..." She heard a knock and closed her eyes. "If that's anyone but Harper..." She cleared her throat and said louder "Who is it?"