Norman tilted his head a bit to the right when he saw the confused look on Anya's face. She went on about a shower, something that struck Norman as odd for this kind of meeting. To make the situation more confusing a familiar voice ordered a cognac behind him. Norman turned his head around to see if he was correct in his assumption. When it was indeed Adalaide who had showed up to the meeting he let out a soft, "What the...", under his breath. Adalaide was right, the odds of the two of them working on something together was slim, very slim. Anya still seemed as confused as before. Now she went on about opinions. Norman's mouth fell half open en his face got stuck in a puzzled look. Something was off, wrong even. A *beep* went through the bar, something Norman had heard several times in earlier situations. "Fuuu...", was all he could get out before the explosion knocked him away. As Norman woke up he regained his vision. His ears were still ringing and he was in pain. He felt that something heavy had crushed his legs and the rest of his body was also stuck under rubble. Some places on his body were burned. Norman could get his hand under his chest and tried to push upward. Little by little he got further up, until he felt he got stuck because of his legs. He went back down focused and started the reconstruction of the bones in his legs. A painful task, but it worked and he was able to push himself further up and free his legs. With legs under him he was able to exert enough force to break through the debris and get out from under it. As soon as he got out of the deathtrap they had been put in another sensation took a hold of him... Blood! He could smell it as his eyes found Sindile. "You!" Norman called out, as he tried to walk over to the Sanguinist. His legs still unsure and his balance not fully regained he fell and tumbled down the pile of rubble. He crawled back up, "You, Sanguinist, get over here!". Norman staggered the last part over to the young man and fed. He could feel his focus increasing, his wounds healing and the pain subsiding. When he was done he forced his claws out and started digging for the other two vampires.