Margaret looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure you should start by calling a lady your subordinate. Its not very nice" She got up, pulling the glove back over the burned flesh to keep it protected for a few minutes. She looked at him closely then said "Ah, I see. Your having a problem with your arm?" She walked over and without a word pulled his arm up and pulled the sleeve back, studying the mechanics. "I see your problem...its not a problem a doctor can fix, it needs a mechanical's attention" She went over to her work table and pulled a small kit from a shelve and walked back over, turning his arm and pulling out a small welding tool. "It looks like one of your nerve catching units has come loose. it causes raw endings to react badly to movement. Its like a pitched nerve in the normal human body. If you like I can repair it right now?" she looked up at him then nodded and before he could respond she pulled him to a chair and made him sit, opening his arm up and started to work on the nerve catcher. "Now, to you question, its not a statement. Its a warning. I am the head of the Scientific Core, which watches over all three classes. What you see as a threat is not purely that. But it could be come a threat if you push like the High Lord before you did before now. You can't look at the lower classes as numbers or tax flow...they are still people. Just like you and me" Margaret stepped back, finished with her repairs. "You should keep that doctor's appointment to run tests, but I think that will fix most of the problem" She put the tools down and flinched, her dominate hand still burning from her fight with Drake. She cursed softly, holding the gloved hand. "Bloody Lord Drake..." She fought to pull the glove off, but was having a hard time with it. The burns were causing her hand to swell and tighten.