[@Scrapula][@Undine] Cool beans-- thanks, guys! Yeah, I really don't like strict posting orders and I trust you guys will know when you should and shouldn't post. In situations like this where it could technically go either way, I would encourage you guys to ask each other before too much time passes. It's also nice to keep up the flow. That way, if the other person is swamped, won't be able to get a post up soon, and doesn't have a story-contributing reason why they need to go first, whoever was waiting on them can go ahead. (That being said-- and I'm only saying this because I've seen it happen in other roleplays-- I would highly encourage people to not simply skip their turn whenever they're too busy to get a post up right away. I find it can really distract from the story if someone's character isn't doing anything for a long period of time-- especially when things are clearly going on around them.)