[h1]Thursday Morning[/h1] [h2]Sector X[/h2] Kyle Richards and Cassie Anderson arrived at Sector X bright and early, as was their usual routine. However, both of them seemed to have a full agenda for the day. "So, seems we're both doing training again, huh darlin'?" Kyle said, looking over at Cassie. [color=9e0b0f]"Yes, you with the new recruits and me with other agents. Should be fun. I'm sure that some of them will protest at being retrained. Not that they'll have much option. I think they're going to retrain everyone without some military experience. Apparently Shadow is getting bolder."[/color] Cass sighed, hitting the button for the elevator down. "So I've heard. Arlington is in a bit of a mess cleaning up from the bank and museum. I hear that the local police are mighty pissed off. Not to mention that the government is going to come down harsh on us if they find out we were involved." [color=9e0b0f]"We're not tied to them so they can come down harsh if they want, but in a way they still need us. Also I'm sure that the Director or someone else will smooth it over if it does come out that we were involved in that incident. So, any thoughts on the new recruits?"[/color] Cass leaned against the elevator wall and raised her eyebrow to Kyle. "Well Pixie and Natasha are going to be trouble, I know that. Given their records and how Pixie acted when we approached her, and how Natasha keeps trying to run, I can sense problems with both of them. Talia might be the easiest of the four new ones. She seems like a nice girl, and honestly, her talent makes her a natural for field work. As for the girl you recruited..." [color=9e0b0f]"Take it easy with her. She's been through enough. Also I believe Tobias will be requesting her help from time to time. He seemed so excited by her gift. Like a kid at Christmas. However, I know Sophie will take a bit to get her out of her shell. I am going to talk to the director about getting her some special training with her power. Also recommend Page for it. She really needs to stop relying on her dampener all the time."[/color] Cass sighed, and walked out of the elevator as the doors groaned open. "Take it easy on Page for a bit, will you? She's not a bad girl, and given what just happened..." Cassie looked at Kyle and sighed. [color=9e0b0f]"I know, you're right. However, I still think using technology as a crutch will prove futile in the end."[/color] Kyle wrapped his arms around Cass and kissed her forehead. "Thank you. All I ask. Anyways, I gotta go to the training room. See you later pretty lady." Kyle let go of Cass and walked off, and she blushed a bit. She started to get ready to head to her own training room when an announcement blared through Sector X. [b][i]"Will Cassie Anderson, Alex Mercede and Niah Bautista please report to the directors office."[/i][/b] Well, there went the idea that she would be spending today training. Miss Page and Mr. Hearne would have to wait. She walked back to the elevator, hit the down button and headed for the directors office.