Harper snatched the card from the mechanical dog and quickly exited the room after Margret. His mind flooded with things he needed to get done. But his mind boiled with rage about the idiocy of Norman. After asking around he found out where the injured lord was being treated. He entered the hospital wing, his escort accompanying his as usual. A middle aged woman operated the clerk's desk. Without looking away from the documents she wrote on she ask, "How may I help you today?" Harper stood in silence. The woman looked up in a bit of frustration at his silence. She flinched, stood up and bowed. "My Lord I didn't think you were going to make your appointment today. Please forgive me I didn't know-" Harper held up a hand to cut the woman off. "Would you be kind and inform your nurses that I am going to need to be speaking with Lord Drake in private." Harper said with a warm smile. "Of course, my Lord. He's in the room to your left. The nurse just left so you wont be bothered." The clerk said with her head still bowed. Harper turned to his escorts. "No one comes in." Without waiting for a response he entered Drakes room and closed the door quietly. In the hospital bed Harper could see drake turn his head. His eyes are squinted barley open, no doubt he's on some sort of sedative. Harper rolled up his sleeve revealing the bionic arm. With it he clasped the metallic fingers around Norman's throat. His eyes shot open and filled with fear and shock. Norman gasped for air. "Listen here Norman, you're not here to try to win the hearts of ladies. ESPECIALLY Margret." Norman squirmed under Harper's grip. He gasped and wheezed, kicked and clawed, but Harper only squeezed tighter until Norman's face turned blue and his eyes began to become bloodshot. "I'm keeping you alive only because you are a renowned reconnaissance agent. If you so much as think of touching her again and/or deviate from the set orders I've given I WILL have you executed. I do hope I've made myself clear because I rarely give second chances. Stay focused on the mission" Harper said through gritted teeth. Without waiting for a response he left the room, ablaze with anger. He could hear the coughing and wheezing of Norman.