Margaret was sitting in the car, Bane driving. A young fiery hair woman sat next to Margaret tending to her burned hand. "I'm sorry you got hurt, boss...but I wish I could have seen these things at work" Margaret smiled weakly and siad "I'll give you a pair once I've worked out the bugs. How does that sound?" The girl beamed then went back to work as Bane looked back. "I still don't get the note, boss. Why did you give him warning like that?" Margaret sighed and said "I think Harper is a good man...he just doesn't know all the one does. No one that would care that is. We keep to the plan if everything goes right, no one will get hurt" Bane pulled up to a huge manor and said "I hope your right boss...I don't want to see you get hurt" Inside a young girl ran up to Margaret, hugging her tightly. "Maggie! Your finally home! How was your day!? What happened to your hand?" Margaret smiled and said "just a burn, I'll be alright. Clara, might making some tea? I'll be in the lab" Clara nodded and ran off, Margaret going up to the top level which was a huge lab, full of machines and different tools of the trade. Clara came back up while Margaret was working on a huge spider like machine. Clara set the tea down and said. "It he almost ready to be born?" Margaret smiled and said "almost...I was hoping someone would drop by tonight to see it...but if he doesn't then we will have to go on with out the company"