Harper stared at the card with Margret's address written in cursive writing. He tossed the card on his desk and moved to the giant window spanning at least 10 feet across and 7 wide. The city was stunning from this perspective. The far inner circle district, where the lower class are housed, is dimly lit. The people below are like ants, each worker moving about doing the specific job they were born to do. All of it was about to change, and Harper knows he must make sure it's in the right way. Harper closed the curtains for privacy and moved to the end of his bed to sit. He thought about Margret's warning. Harper of course knows that the act he has installed will undoubtedly bring discontent among the lower classes but this is the only way to protect what his father died for. The only way to form a truly free life. Harper clicked on the intercom on his dresser and spoke clearly, "Prep a car for travel, I have somewhere I need to be."