[h1][center][color=silver]Hero's Guild Hall[/color][/center][/h1] [color=ed1c24]"He's late...again."[/color] Growled a [url=http://41.media.tumblr.com/42c6d0425811088c92d846f95286f136/tumblr_ntv19e0lVd1tpeordo2_1280.png]tall man, garbed in bright red and gold armor[/url]. The [url=http://blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/5c/99/c540f32b5c9a7d38d567621afd13ac8c.jpg]blond woman[/url] next to him, also wearing armor looked over. [color=fff200]Relax, and be patient, Ark. He always has a reason for his actions."[/color] She said. Ark grunted, unconvinced and turned to survey the massive hall. It was one two-story room, with a balcony that wrapped around three of the walls, and two stairs on the left and right of the room. The space below had several round tables scattered in no particular order with four chairs to each table. The one wall that didn't have the balcony had a slightly raised platform instead that was unmistakably a stage. There was a lot of standing room too, most of which was occupied by the people that had gathered in response to the summons that had been sent out. Weeks before several posters had apeared on boards, on taverns, even on people's doors. It read "Heroes Wanted!" In large letters across the top. Below, it read; "Hello, there, I don't believe in subtlety, so I will be blunt. I am calling together warriors, merchants, thieves, balcksmiths and anyone else who could be useful or have a useful trade to Do Somthing About the dark threats across the land. I am calling this group the "Hero's Guild" after the Hero of legend who once saved this land. Pretty nifty, huh? You will, if you wish, be paid for the work you do." The poster when on to give a date, time and location for the intersted people to meet. Other than the sheer weirdness of the poster, it seemed incongruous. But certain people would be able to see another message below the first. "To those of you who can see this: congratulations, you could have the blood of heroes. You are who I am truly looking for. A dark evil rises, if you have any attacment to this fair land and its people, Come. Your destiny awaits." In the hall, there was food piled high on a larger then normal table for anyone to enjoy and refreshments of all types too. Several people had already arrived but still more were coming in. Ark and the woman stood on the balcony, where they had a clear view of the double doors that were propped open to the outside. A few minutes passed and Ark started pacing. A few more minutes dragged by then the woman sighed explosively, [color=fff200]"Will you stop? It's not helping, and its rather annoying."[/color] Ark stopped and look at her. [color=ed1c24]"Well, Kira what do you suggest? If he doesn't show up soon, they will assume that this was a massive prank and leave."[/color] Kira shrugged. [color=fff200]"He will show up, when he shows up."[/color] She said, philosophically. Ark eyed her. [color=ed1c24]"You are never any help."[/color] He said. [color=fff200]"Who said I was supposed to be?"[/color] She asked with a faint smile. She got off the railing she ahd been leaning on, and turned to the the stairs. [color=fff200]"Now then, I will-- oh? Never mind, he's here."[/color] She said. Ark looked at the entrance to see the [url=http://i.imgur.com/4JUmR2s.jpg]white-haired, masked, young-looking man[/url] strolling in, his hands nonchalantly tucked into his pockets and his pace unhurried. [color=ed1c24]"'Bout damn time."[/color] Ark muttered, as he and Kira decended the stairs to the stage. The eccentric looking man weaved his way through the crowd, like a ghost, and stepped up onto the stage. He turned on his heel to face the crowd. His entrance had mostly gone unnoticed, and still only a few saw him on the stage. The masked man removed his white gloved hands from his pockets and held them up. [b]"Your attention, please everyone."[/b] He said, his voice deep and melodious. He didn't seem to shout but his voice easily carried over the noise of conversation and everyone turned to face him. He stood there, Ark on his right, looking intimidating, and Kira on his left, smiling. [b]"Thank you coming everyone, now I know you will have many questions regarding the unusual request that was sent out. I don't intend to answer any of them."[/b] He paused to let that sink in, his one visible red eye, watching the faces below. [b]Instead, I will simply introduce the people you should know, and make an announcement.[/b] He held out his hand to gesture at Ark. [b]The man on my right, is Ark. He will be the commander of this little operation. On my left, is Kira. She will be in charge of logistics and, if you have any questions or anything to say, trouble her with them and not me. Now, for those of you here to make a little quick cash, please, leave.[/b] His eye revolved around the room, glaring at each person in turn. Then he said, cheerfuly [b]"Those of you not willing to carry your own weight and go the extra kilometer, the door is right there. And those of you not willing to suffer and possibly die a painful death,"[/b] His voice got low and angry. [b]"Get. Out."[/b] His voce retured to its cheerful tone, [b]"Thank you."[/b] After he said this, he stepped back and Kira stepped forward. [color=fff200]"He is right, this is no joke, and it will be extremely dangerous, we will give you some time to consider this offer and I will answer your questions. Think long and hard on this."[/color]