[hider=Mage] [b]Username:[/b] Rtron [b]Name:[/b] Corbet [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Country of Origin:[/b] France [b]Servant:[/b]TBD [b]Abilities:[/b] Corbet's magic lays in the crafting of weaker familiars, runes, and weapons (ranging from small birds and bears, to swords and bows) to support his Heroic Spirit. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Corbert][img]http://img08.deviantart.net/b239/i/2013/067/5/9/suit_and_tie_by_marina_shads-d5xctrw.png[/img] He stands at Five foot six inches, with pale silver eyes.[/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Corbet is typically laid back and cheerful. He's rarely, if ever, in a bad mood. Ren places great value in craftsmanship and protecting creations. He dislikes combat, and confrontation in general, and avoids it as much as he can. He pays attention to details and is patient. [b]Short Biography: [/b] Born in France, to a minor mage family whose specialty was constructs, Corbet learned magic in the 'traditional' way. He learned from his father, who had learned from his father, who had learned from his father, and so on so forth. His father taught him all he knows about smithing and, more importantly in Corbet's eyes, all the legends and heroes of France. Charlemagne, Joan of Arc, Count Berenger, Bluebeard, to name a few. History and myth often combined in his father's stories, but Corbet never minded. Stories and legends were what he was more interested in than actual history. He was interested in not only the Holy Grail but the Flower of Eden. What he could do with power like that. What he could create. One could end all war with the power of the Flower or the Grail, create the perfect protectors and worksmen, have the human race live practically in the lap of luxury. But to do that, he had to become a stronger mage and summon a familiar. Someone to help him in his endeavors, to aid him. To that end, he had to go to the College in Japan. Going to the College, he fully planned on joining the expedition to recover the Flower, but was denied entry. Of course, in light of things perhaps it was better he didn't go to the expedition. He most likely would have been killed and betrayed in the name of power. These Mage folk don't seem like they cared about outsiders. [b]Quirk:[/b] Corbet is a master craftsman, be it through carving, magical creation, or blacksmithing. [b]Other:[/b] His suit has a bunch of mini-pockets that he has filled with various knickknacks he liked. String, bits of bolts, some runes. [b]Catchphrase:[/b] "Stop breaking my things!" [/hider] [hider=Servant] [b]Username:[/b] Rtron [b]Class Name:[/b] Saber [b]True Name:[/b] Roland [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Master:[/b] TBD [b]Abilities: [/b] -Super human strength, speed, and reflexes. -Master Swordsman (With an indestructible Sword!) -Holy Magic (Defensive like shields, Enchanting to increase ally's weapons strength, Offensive to demolish his enemies, cast through his sword) -[i]Noble Phantasm: The Twelve Peers of Charlemagne. Anti-Army.[/i] With a blast of his war horn, Roland summons his ten companions, the Paladins of Charlemagne. Each of them are potent Heroic Spirits, six of them being Saber, two are Lancers, one is a Caster,and two are Berserkers. They arrive and fight at Roland's side once more, smiting his enemies and the enemies of Charlemagne. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Roland][img]http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/paladind_6742.jpg[/img] Roland stands at 8 feet tall with bright blue eyes.[/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Proud to the point of arrogance,Pious to the point of ruthlessness, and glory seeking to the point of stupidity, Roland is willing to do anything for his fame and his God. He's willing to fight far longer than anyone sensibly should to increase his own legend and the religion of his God. Heretics, Pagans, Heathens will be smote by his blade. He is follows the tenants of his religion but also believes that anything he does in the name of his God he will be forgiven for. [b]Short Biography:[/b] Born an Italian peasant, Roland traveled to his brother's throne and declared his birth and loyalty to Charlemagne. Accepted he quickly gathered a reputation as the bravest and most loyal of Charlemagne's Paladins (or Twelve Peers). He and all but one of the Paladins met their end in an attack by Muslim armies at Roncesvalles in the Pyrenees Mountains. Proud and confident in his ability, Roland refused to blow his Oliphant horn (to summon Charlemagne and his Reinforcements) until it was too late. The reinforcements arrived, only to find nearly all the Paladins slayed to a man. Other: [i]For God and the Emperor![/i] [/hider]