[center][color=fff200][h2]Lemonade[/h2][/color] [IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/jubghy.jpg[/IMG][/center] Lemonade was in awe. There was a beautiful Violin made using some new materials from the new expansion at a nice little shop alleyway shop in Seven Hill. Bone white with black strings with a matching bow and a small black rose painted on the belly. It was elegant and came with a free silver harmonica with a gold trim. Unfortunately for Lemonade it was a bit beyond his price range and he had to leave empty handed. [color=fff200][i]Well now I have to make some money, or get equivalent materials and have one of my own made. Either or suits me just fine.[/i][/color] Catching himself in a mirror on the way out Lemonade licked his thumb and wiped away some dirt that was on his cheek removing the dirt, leaving the Day of the Dead makeup unsullied and in perfect order as usual. Stepping into the street Lemonade noticed a sad little girl [color=fff200][i]One of the People of the Land, they seem so real now...[/i][/color] sitting down next to her he tapped her shoulder and used his <[i]Gardener's Joy[/i]> to start pulling flowers out of thin air. This astounded the girl and Lemonade's <[i]Old Blue Eyes[/i]> further increased the girl's friendliness to him. Keen to put a smile on the little girl's face Lemonade started weaving his flowers into a crown. Making a bit of a show Lemonade pretended to put the crown on over his hat, acting shocked when it didn't fit, before placing it on the little girl's head. Standing up and making an elaborate bow [color=fff200]"Your Majesty, now that your mood has been lifted I shall be on my way"[/color] with that Lemonade walked off and down the streets. Even after the week since the apocalypse Lemonade still had trouble navigating Seven Hills. He was also rather surprised to see that there were so few Bards in Seven Hills, he had only run across a few and most of them had been below level 30, occasionally the max level, but they were like a unicorn in his experience. He played mostly out of Meder City, there was a rather good Bard scene there and he could usually find a group to form a temporary party, but he had been in the middle of a tour of each city to see if the update had changed any of them significantly, new shops, landmarks, People of the Land, things like that. Hell the reason Lemonade had such an affinity for Meder City was the fact he had won his Mariachi sub-class there. Now he was stranded in Seven Hills, but determined to make the best of the situation and if it came down to it he would even join a guild, as much as he disliked how they tended to shackle players to them with an iron leash. His adverse position on Guild came from before the Calamity, they all used characters with pretty character models to act as advertising [color=fff200][i]No one should have a monopoly on beauty, keeping it all to yourself is a crime against humanity![/i][/color] as such in this new world Lemonade had developed the bad habit of attempting to "liberate beauty" from guilds by telling them just that, which in turn often lead to the conclusion that he is confessing to them. That last part often had mixed results, especially since Lemonade has a loose definition of beauty. One propositioned player asked him why he thought they were beautiful and he answered; [color=fff200]“Everyone makes music, I'm a Bard because I love music, and it denies music's very purpose to not be shared. I want you to share your music, it's very hard to do that when tied down to a guild” [/color] As he wandered Lemonade stopped dead in his tracks. Spinning on his heel Lemonade saw there was a small crowd of People of the Land children following him. The little girl Lemonade called Your Majesty had been following him, and had brought some friends along. [color=fff200]"Well Your Majesty I see you have brought the rest of your Kingdom, now that we have a gathering what ever shall we do... Have a parade?"[/color] the little girl bit her lip obviously unsure what to say. [color=fff200]"I wasn't joking Your Majesty, simply give the order and I will lead your crowd of youngsters down the main thoroughfare with my trumpet announcing your presence."[/color] the little girl nodded shyly [color=fff200]"Very well, come along then!"[/color] -One hour later- [color=fff200]"Are you ready to serve her Majesty lads?"[/color] looking up Lemonade saw the boys lining the balconies with baskets of flowers that came from <[i]Gardener's Joy[/i]> ready to shower the street. [color=fff200]"This would go a lot better if some of my mates from Meder City were here... oh well, no use crying over what could have been. All righty then, let's get started~"[/color] taking out his Phantasmal trumpet <[i]Requiem for the Lost[/i]> Lemonade brought it to his lips and... a cheery tone resonated down the road and flower petals started to rain from the sky as Lemonade led a procession of children in a miniature royal parade <[i]Old Blue Eyes[/i]> making certain that no People of the Land took major offence at the disruption.