In the corner of the massive hall there sat a conspicuous-looking boulder. Not really a boulder, though, since any person worth their salt could tell a boulder from a curled up Goron, and any who couldn't were in for a rude surprise should they have tried to disturb the aforementioned "boulder". This wasn't just any Goron either, not at all. Nearby the Goron a rather famous hammer sat on the floor with it's handle pointed straight up. The Megaton Hammer was one of the more famous weapons the Hero once carried, but nowadays it was once again in the possession of the Goron people, where it rightfully belonged. Amusingly, there was a small crowd of men around the hammer. They seemed to be taking turns attempting to lift it, but none of them could. Even the biggest and strongest of the men couldn't budge the hammer so much as an inch. This little "show" had started up several minutes ago, when said group of men mocked the idea of a hammer being sacred or magical. It was just a hammer after all, right? "If it's [i]just[/i] a hammer, then by all means, take it..." the Goron had said earlier with his deep and powerful voice before dropping the weapon on its current spot on the ground, but added with a grin, "...if you [i]can[/i], that is." and that's how it started. First a couple of the men tried, but when they couldn't move the hammer, others watching gave it a try. At one point several men at once tried to lift the hammer with their combined strength, but still it didn't move. The Goron knew, of course, that the hammer could never be lifted by such men. The Gorons, having become much less trusting of outsiders after the Hero's turn to evil, had a very special enchantment placed on their sacred hammer so that it could never again fall into the hands of evil. From that day forward, the hammer could only ever be lifted by one with a strong and worthy heart. Anything less, and the hammer would be heavy as a mountain. So really, all these men were only proving that they had weak hearts, not at all hero material as the guild's posters called for. The Goron, named Argon, curled into a ball out of boredom after a while, but let the gathered men continue trying to lift the hammer. It was a good thing he'd eaten a feast of a breakfast that morning before departing from Death Mountain, because the food offered here at the hall contained absolutely no rocks whatsoever. In fact almost all the food were mostly popular Hylian dishes, indicating the apparent crowd the hosts were expecting. In their defense, none of the posters had been sent to Death Mountain, its trails and cliffs becoming even more dangerous in recent years. It was sheer happenstance that the wind managed to blow a poster far enough up the mountain for one of the Gorons to find it and show it to Argon, their de facto leader. The Goron warrior decided to make the journey to this hall to see just how serious these people were about protecting the land. So far he was not impressed. He finally uncurled when a masked man spoke from the stage. This was also enough to disperse the crowd from the Megaton Hammer as well. And as the man spoke, more and more of the men who scoffed at the hammer left the hall until Argon found himself alone at his particular corner of the hall. Finally, a woman spoke, assuring everyone that this was no joke. This got a chuckle from the Goron, who spoke up with his strong, stoic voice, "Not a joke, eh? It better not be. I didn't climb all the way down from Death Mountain just to get a laugh."