[center][h2]Joseph the Ranger[/h2][/center] Joseph remains standing where he is through the entire thing, looking over the crowd. [i]Goron, Shieka, Garudo, other Hylians...quite the motley assortment we've got here if I say so myself.[/i] The Hero's Bow was slung over his shoulder like it normally was when it wasn't in use, with the quiver next to it. He had been against the wall, as far from the gathering as possible, for two reasons. First and foremost was a general distrust of people, simply because he knew that monsters weren't always the most obvious and if one of those people turned out to be a mass murderer or something, or one of the hosts, he had both an easy out and a good shot at pretty much everyone not in front of a Goron. The second reason was because he wanted to be able to beat the crowd out if it had turned out to be some elaborate prank that some city folk thought would be hilarious. However, as the seriousness showed in the host's voice, he had decided to stay and at least listen to the whole thing. His left hand, because he wasn't holding his bow, rested on the hilt of his sword as he put some thought into the questions posed to them. Joseph was a Hylian Ranger, a man who already dedicated his life to protecting Hyrule from the darkness that the regular army couldn't be bothered to hunt out. From the sounds of it, this would be a larger group effort, and if it meant he got to keep doing his job, then he would stay no matter the number of people. When the Goron who'd let the group of fools try to lift his hammer spoke, Joseph did as well. "You went to a lot of trouble if the Goron and a Ranger showed up, so if this is a joke, there are going to be a few well placed arrows in knee caps." Joseph's face remained even. "And I don't miss."