[center][h1][color=9e0b0f][b]E V E R E T T . W I L C O X[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [hr][b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Constance Billard [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] [Center]| Jennifer McGowin [@HushedWhispers] |Cara Cara (Frankie)[@MissCapnCrunch]| Kent (Jason) via text [@Avanhelsing]|[hr][/center] It was a bit of a relief for Everett, that she loved the gift. [color=9e0b0f]"Don't worry about it. I got other ideas."[/color] Everett said as she took his arm and lead him inside. Today as gone good so far. She did that cute puppy dog, that was something was going to get her very far with Everett. It didn't take long for her to getaway from him. A group of girls came and start going on and on and on about the summer and they did. They were hugging and loud. Everett knew he had a few minutes. Everett quickly pulled out his phone and shot a text to Frankie. A girl he had met due to their parents working together. It was kinda cool, whenever she came over, he got to see his parents. [b][center] From: Everette Wilcox To: Frankie Cara Cara Let me know when you get to bullard. You can sit us during the assembly.[/center][/b] Thankfully, Everett was paying just enough attention to hear his name. When he heard "we're together." He knew it was his time to put on a good face and really make a strong first impression. Now if only he cared about such things. "Morning Ladies." Everett said, his southern draw a lot stronger than he wanted it to be. He couldn't help but chuckle and grimace at just how strongly his accent came out. Everett knew all to well what he sounded like to these Northerners. He did make an effort to keep in check. Just as soon as he got the words out it seemed they were shooed away. That suit him just dandy. That was until she said something about the party. She had been talking about that for seemed like weeks. Everett not only didn't want anything to do with the party, he also completely forgot about it. He was gonna have to ask her about that later but this wasn't the time for it, by any means. It didn't take long for her get away from Everett when they walked into the. As ran she ran off Everett couldn't help but chuckle. [color=9e0b0f]"She really needs to stick around for the answers."[/color] Everett said to himself as he found an empty row of seats and took off his jacket. He sent off another text to message to Frankie telling her they were sitting. [color=9e0b0f]"Hope shes got that phone on vibrate."[/color] Everett said to himself. There was one more message that he had to send. [b][center] From: Everett Wilcox To: Kent (Jason) Brother mine, you coming to this horseshit? Gotta huge surprise they gonna talk about. [/center][/b] The surprise that Everett was talking about, was an announcement. That Everett had made the USA Today All-USA preseason high school football team as a Running Back. It was a huge deal as it also meant, he was gonna be a blue chip recruit for collage ball. He was proud of that sure, it was a massive achievement by anyone standards. However, what made everything even better, what made this so sweet for Everett, was Aiden. Last year, Everett's first year playing both ways, Iron man. It was Aiden that got all the glory around school. With Everett playing his hardest, it didn't matter how many yards or touchdown he ran or caught. No matter interceptions, sacks or fumbles he caused. It was Aiden that got the glory. In its own way that was okay for Everett, he didn't have to deal with all the fair weather friends or deal with the pressure. However, a thank you would have been lovely. They had won the State Championship last year, which was for the school a major deal. It could done a lot easier for Everett if Aiden had put the ball where he wouldn't have taken so many hard hits. Everett never said a word to anyone about it. He wasn't gonna give him that satisfaction. They had a really good shot at repeating this year. Only two maybe three teams stood in their way, and they weren't gonna be an issue till the playoffs. Maybe this year things would be different and go a little smoother. That was a lie, it was gonna get worse but it sounded good. So Everett sat in his seat and smiled. Adorned in his football jersey knowing that, while sitting through this assembly was suck. He was gonna have one moment. Where could look at Aiden at put him to shame, all without ever lifting a finger or saying a word and if worse came to worse. Everett already had more than a plan or two or take Aiden down a few pegs.