[center][h3]ANNOUNCEMENT[/h3] Greetings, my friends~! [b]I would like to announce and introduced my co-moderator[/b], [@glitchykins]! She is a friend to me IRL, therefore it is easier for me to get into contact with her over RP matters, disputes, etc. As she is my co-moderator, I ask you to please show her the same respect as you would me if there is ever a dispute or questions that need to be asked. If neither of us are available, we will try to help out as soon as possible. Also, she and I have been bouncing ideas back and forth for what the RP will contain in regards to storyline and character development. This means that you are allowed to go about your own business (or someone else's), but please try to refrain from dragging the entire campaign away from the story and characters that we try to introduce. [hr] Another thing that I would like to introduce to you folks is the front post of the OOC! I understand that you've most likely read through the rules (I would like to hope so, anyways!) and have gone about making sure you understand (somewhat) how the secret society of the monsters work. As more monsters are added to our list, I will be discussing with the player that introduces them about the rules and regulations that will befall [i][b]every single race[/b][/i]. Yes, even my Phoenix will have a set of guidelines in which she will have to follow. These are being put in place in hopes of "equalizing" monsters--so no one's species is more important or "better" than the others. I've seen this happen in past RP's that I have run using the same sort of concept. This is not an attack on you or your creativity, but a way to keep things in check and in balance. No one wants their character to be less important because they have a weakness to wood (like vampires) or silver (like werewolves)! So most creatures will have their weaknesses posted in hopes of reminding everyone that god-moding is not appreciated nor desired. I will be setting up a [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GhVbZ6C9niSRuHSACQC8o3Kj17IOGz4Qy0PSmAY8Hgw/edit?usp=sharing]Google Doc[/url] in which everyone may view and see all of the different races, their weaknesses, their perks, and everything else that is generalized to that species! [hr] Other than those two announcements for the moment, I hope that y'all have a wonderful day! PSST: We only need, like, one more person! :D[/center]