[@Davlamin] Any way you could link a pdf or an image of your pathfinder sheet? It'd be easier to be specific as to how different abilities can be described if we could get an idea of what the crunch looks like. As far as your sheet goes, it looks pretty well organized. Basically, the DM handbook for your class and any splatbooks you might be using are your best friends; if you can paraphrase some of the ways they describe the martial abilities of a character for your level, or some of what they use to describe your class in general, you'll be golden. The beauty of text based RP is that you have as much freedom to be specific as you want, but as a start, reading up and borrowing the fluff from PF will carry you miles. As a side note, you may also want to add a section for miscelaneous equipment. Fights can and often are decided by taking advantage of logical consistencies in your posts, and exploiting the inconsistencies in the posts of others. Something that's helped me a lot has been to approach the whole process-- character sheets, intro posts, reactions-- with as much to say about it as possible. Don't be afraid to describe your positioning, intentions, preparations, environment, as much as you can. Others will, and will often surprise their opponents with how much of an advantage can be gained from offhand, seemingly insignificant details. They're kinda like debates; as was stated recently, the first to make a mistake in a text fight loses. Most importantly, have fun : p