Kuro watches in great amusement as Aoba goes from clearly ready to yell at him to simply sighing away the worry and instead turning his attentions to the bloody, tattered rags now draped over his figure in only the vaguest semblance of clothing. He chuckles softly at the tug, looking around at all the faces over him and for a moment feeling more at home here than ever before anywhere in his life. [i]'It's not just the family, it's Aoba, and his kindness, and these rare looks of worry and Issho's long gone caring hand on my brow. . .'[/i] His mind switches to focusing on the touches and she smiles, humming softly. The outpouring of energy is very welcome, but when Aoba mentions the bath Kuro lights up even more than before. [i]'It's been so loooong!'[/i] He glances over at Dani, then to Homura. [i]'They both clearly want to join, even if Dani is curling his lip at it, but. . . .but. . . .I [b]must[/b] find a way to be rid of them for the night. . .'[/i] Looking up at his eldest brother a wicked idea crosses his mind. “Has Pops been missing Dani at all? He seemed so worried about me before, and Dani's been gone longer I think. . . .” Dani doesn't like this change in the conversation at all. Issho stares at his brother for a long moment before looking at the growling red head and nods slowly. “Yes. IN fact I think it would be best if you were to come home tonight and tell Pops all about your time here. Leaving out certain aspects of course that are Kuro's alone to tell. . . .” Dani whines and begins rolling around in a fit, but it's clear he's not actually going to fight Issho's decision. Kuro gives his brother a grateful smile before motioning that he needs help sitting up. His brothers and angel all help him sit up, Dani too busy fitting to pitch in, and when he's eventually upright Homura scoots in and begins doing some extra healing on the part o the body he couldn't reach very well before. The dark haired male groans happily at the feeling, using the actions as an excuse to half lay in Aoba's lap like a lazy cat, his face buried in the angel's midsection, his arms curled atop the smaller male's legs. His voice muffled by cloth and tummy skin Kuro murmurs, “I think a bath sounds great Aoba. . .” He sounds rather wistful a gently teasing smile barely visible on his lips as he peeks up at the little angel from his lower vantage point.