Merlin was quite surprised when he had been named the leader of this ragtag group almost by default. He had been so caught up in his own thoughts, wondering what was in store for the bunch he hadn't noticed how many people were now surrounding him, awaiting his first move. This was pressure, he thought, he hadn't known much of it before now however this was a whole new game. The first that seemed to approach him was Maribel, the young girl whose eyes spoke of centuries of pain and suffering. She scared the gods out of him, he couldn't explain it but she terrified him more than any quarry he had ever tracked. Then there was the gleaming bucket of armor that somewhere inside contained a holy elfish woman, this, is already quite the troupe. As the others came up and made themselves and their intentions known they received their purse and awaited Merlin's instructions. The evil was growing in force in the south east and was not taking its time moving across the land. For an army of mostly dead and derelict soldiers they had a certain swiftness about them. The port city of Woodshore was under duress, they were right in the path of these invading armies. Merlin figured this would be a way to attempt to cut off the armies progress. Merlin stood up to address the table of his companions; "Woodshore is in need of our help, if you aren't ready to leave tonight then be ready, time is most certainly not on our side." He paused to allow his allies to start amassing a list of poultices and other miscellaneous items they may need. "Meet me at the south gate at daybreak. We will leave toward the city of Feymere, from there we will make our way to Woodshore. If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask. I will be ready to fight this great evil and am glad I have a strong group of fierce warriors and adventurers by my side. Say goodbye to any loved ones you have for this may be the last time you see them." Merlin grabbed his mug of ale, stood up ad he downed the drink and made his way for the door, He needed to get some more caltrops and could use some fishing line as well.