[quote=@Davlamin] While I don't have a lot of experience in Arena fighting I do write and read often and I have to say, isn't reading all about suspension of disbelief? Most fantasy books are grossly inaccurate when it comes to writing fighting scenes anyways. I find that they take their cues from movies and not directly from the source. Real fighting is never that clean. I was watching a video on knight and how they fought based on manuals that were find (primarily western Europe) and its some brutal stuff, nothing like you see in television. Take Bruce Lee for example, anyone that thinks he actually fought like he does in his movies knows nothing. [/quote] Well, we, arena folk, still do like ourselves a modicum of realism, so most of us do adhere to actual real-life fighting styles, with a bit of our own imagination mixed in. Also, i still remember fighting as Ido and actually comparing the time it would take for my projectiles to travel to the average human reaction speed of 100-150 milliseconds. XD