I have only been here a couple of days and have spent a lot of time reading the different fights new and old. I have been taking notes and as someone new to this I have noticed a trend in fights and fighters across the board, which I think stems from the arenas main strength and weakness. It tries to please everyone. What I have noticed is that: A) The mixture of modern day and typical fantasy characters generally does not work. -- I think this is because those writing with modern and advanced technology rely much more heavily on statistics while those that focus on a fantasy element do not. -- Loose terminology in character sheets. Part of my issue in creating my character is that I want to be exact and specific as possible, which is not easy to do. Again, it is easier to put out the specifics for a gun than it is for magic. Magic, by nature is inherently vague, and it has to remain that way or else it is not magic. I believe it was Clarke that stated “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. B) Most of us are not experts in close quarters combat and/or military tactics. Yet, our characters often are. -- While reading many fights I often notice that many (if not most) turn into an OOC debate because person A and B are not on the same page. A simple switching of words, when you meant left but said right can mean all the difference in the world. This is all the rambling of someone that has no arena combat experience. So take it with a grain of salt and know that this is only what I have observed from reading. I do believe that complaining about something without offering ideas on how to better it is a waste of everyone’s time, so my suggestions are thus. 1. Come up with rules governing character creation and segregate characters based on technology level as well as power. It could be as simple as medieval , modern and sci-fi and then list examples of what’s possible at each tier such as Base-Human, Meta-Human, Super-Human, God. --A Meta-Human in the medieval setting might be someone with access to self-enhancing spells and minor magics. --A Meta-Human at modern level would be someone at Captain Americas level. --And a Meta-Human at the Sci-Fi level could very well be something like a Marine in Star-Craft. Sorry for the rant and ignore if I am off the mark. I am just really excited to be here and want to do my part to contribute and make the forum better. Please do not rip my head off. Please?