[b][color=ed1c24]For everyone: ONE noble phantasm! ONE! Be sure to check the rules![/color][/b] [quote=@Flamelord] I'll get to the master later. [hider=Servant] Username: Flamelord Class Name: Saber True Name: Mac Bethad mac Findlaích (also known as Macbeth) Age: 57 Gender: Male Master: N/A Abilities: [b]Class Skills[/b] Magic Resistance Riding [b]Personal Skills[/b] Eye of the Mind (True) Innocent Monster Bravery [b]Noble Phantasms[/b] [i]Witches Prophecy - Curse of the Red King[/i] Type: Anti-Unit (Self) Description: A Noble Phantasm born from his twisted legend, Macbeth was given a prophecy by a trio of witches, which said that he would not be killed by any man born of woman. In his death and ascension to the throne of Heroes, this has manifested itself as a Noble Phantasm, a curse upon him that makes it so he cannot be killed in battle by any servant who has been born of man. This Noble Phantasm is always active, but does not apply if the target Macbeth is fighting is a woman, or Divinity [i]Bloody Dagger - The Treasonous Knife[/i] Type: Anti-Unit Description: The bloody dagger used by Macbeth to kill King Duncan while he slept, in the safety of his hosts castle. Manifesting that legend, this dagger serves a similar purpose. Macbeth says the name of the person he wishes to see dead and kisses the blade. For one night the blade will grant him Presence Concealment, but only applying against the named individual. Once the night is over, it will revert to normal. The blade can be used multiple times, but will grow less effective with each use Appearance: [hider=You made me do this] [img]http://statici.behindthevoiceactors.com/behindthevoiceactors/_img/chars/char_924.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: A tortured soul, Macbeth is a proud and vicious warrior, who does not shy from a fight or from violence. Yet because of the effect of Innocent Monster, he has been cast more in a tragic model, a soul tortured by what he did to get to his position. He has lost his sense of morality, and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. Let's just say he isn't the funnest guy to be around. Short Biography: While originally seen as a benevolent King who made Scotland better after replacing the useless King Duncan, Macbeth's legend was definitely reinterpreted by William Shakespeare. In this, Macbeth, the thane of Glamis, is given a prophecy by three witches, who promise he will be Thane of Cawdor, and then King of Scotland. The former is given to him, and at the prompting of his wife, he murders King Duncan and becomes King. Thus begins a descent into madness and violence, as he acts to eliminate his enemies, and inspires a war, while possibly otherworldly forces take their toll. Eventually this culminated in an invasion by the English, who assisted in putting Malcolm, Duncan's son, back on the throne with the assistance of Macduff, Thane of Fife, who killed Macbeth for the death of his family. Other: [/hider] [/quote] Okay. *cracks knuckles* First off, you're missing something from the rules. Please read them to see what it is. [s]I think I see it but maybe put it somewhere else as well[/s] Next, I would prefer you to have one Noble Phantasm. The knife is good, and you don't have to have it decline in effectiveness, but the curse is a problem as you could be virtually immortal, which presents a problem. Also it could be loosely interpreted and it'd just be a huge issue and hassle later on. ex. 'But my character was born by c-section' or 'but mine was born magically' and so on and they don't need evidence. Then please explain your abilities, the names give us a vague idea of what they could be, but I'd like to know what they do. History, you say that the legend was reinterpreted, but pretty much this was a real person so he shouldn't have been affected by that. How does what Willy Shakes did change him as a person? [quote=@Rtron] [hider=Mage] [b]Username:[/b] Rtron [b]Name:[/b] Corbet [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Country of Origin:[/b] France [b]Servant:[/b]TBD [b]Abilities:[/b] Corbet's magic lays in the crafting of weaker familiars, runes, and weapons (ranging from small birds and bears, to swords and bows) to support his Heroic Spirit. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Corbert][img]http://img08.deviantart.net/b239/i/2013/067/5/9/suit_and_tie_by_marina_shads-d5xctrw.png[/img] He stands at Five foot six inches, with pale silver eyes.[/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Corbet is typically laid back and cheerful. He's rarely, if ever, in a bad mood. Ren places great value in craftsmanship and protecting creations. He dislikes combat, and confrontation in general, and avoids it as much as he can. He pays attention to details and is patient. [b]Short Biography: [/b] Born in France, to a minor mage family whose specialty was constructs, Corbet learned magic in the 'traditional' way. He learned from his father, who had learned from his father, who had learned from his father, and so on so forth. His father taught him all he knows about smithing and, more importantly in Corbet's eyes, all the legends and heroes of France. Charlemagne, Joan of Arc, Count Berenger, Bluebeard, to name a few. History and myth often combined in his father's stories, but Corbet never minded. Stories and legends were what he was more interested in than actual history. He was interested in not only the Holy Grail but the Flower of Eden. What he could do with power like that. What he could create. One could end all war with the power of the Flower or the Grail, create the perfect protectors and worksmen, have the human race live practically in the lap of luxury. But to do that, he had to become a stronger mage and summon a familiar. Someone to help him in his endeavors, to aid him. To that end, he had to go to the College in Japan. Going to the College, he fully planned on joining the expedition to recover the Flower, but was denied entry. Of course, in light of things perhaps it was better he didn't go to the expedition. He most likely would have been killed and betrayed in the name of power. These Mage folk don't seem like they cared about outsiders. [b]Quirk:[/b] Corbet is a master craftsman, be it through carving, magical creation, or blacksmithing. [b]Other:[/b] His suit has a bunch of mini-pockets that he has filled with various knickknacks he liked. String, bits of bolts, some runes. [/hider] [/quote] You're also missing something from the rules. Read them again, please. I don't see anything else wrong with it right now. [quote=@Rtron] [hider=Servant] [b]Username:[/b] Rtron [b]Class Name:[/b] Saber [b]True Name:[/b] Roland [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Master:[/b] TBD [b]Abilities: [/b] -Super human strength, speed, and reflexes. -Master Swordsman (With an indestructible Sword!) -Holy Magic (Defensive like shields, Enchanting to increase ally's weapons strength, Offensive to demolish his enemies, cast through his sword) -[i]Noble Phantasm: The Twelve Peers of Charlemagne. Anti-Army.[/i] With a blast of his war horn, Roland summons his ten companions, the Paladins of Charlemagne. Each of them are potent Heroic Spirits, six of them being Saber, two are Lancers, one is a Caster,and two are Berserkers. They arrive and fight at Roland's side once more, smiting his enemies and the enemies of Charlemagne. -[i]Noble Phantasm: Holy Smite. Anti-Fortress.[/i] Durendal, the blade Roland wields, contains within its golden hilt one tooth of Saint Peter, the blood of Saint Basil, the hair of Saint Denis, and a piece of the raiment of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is indestructible, and the sharpest blade in all of existence. In an attempt to destroy it he created [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Br%C3%A8che_de_Roland][i]La Brèche de Roland[/i][/url]. He purposely recreates the act, unleashing a massive blast of holy energy to destroy everything in its path. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Roland][img]http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/paladind_6742.jpg[/img] Roland stands at 8 feet tall with bright blue eyes.[/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Proud to the point of arrogance,Pious to the point of ruthlessness, and glory seeking to the point of stupidity, Roland is willing to do anything for his fame and his God. He's willing to fight far longer than anyone sensibly should to increase his own legend and the religion of his God. Heretics, Pagans, Heathens will be smote by his blade. He is follows the tenants of his religion but also believes that anything he does in the name of his God he will be forgiven for. [b]Short Biography:[/b] Born an Italian peasant, Roland traveled to his brother's throne and declared his birth and loyalty to Charlemagne. Accepted he quickly gathered a reputation as the bravest and most loyal of Charlemagne's Paladins (or Twelve Peers). He and all but one of the Paladins met their end in an attack by Muslim armies at Roncesvalles in the Pyrenees Mountains. Proud and confident in his ability, Roland refused to blow his Oliphant horn (to summon Charlemagne and his Reinforcements) until it was too late. The reinforcements arrived, only to find nearly all the Paladins slayed to a man. Other: [i]For God and the Emperor![/i] [/hider] [/quote] Okay, like I said with the other guy, only 1 noble phantasm. Either one is fine, but it can only be one. I don't see anything else wrong with the sheet. [quote=@Suiko] Can a servant have healing/support abilities? Servant WIP [color=1a7b30][b]Username:[/b][/color] Suiko [color=1a7b30][b]Class Name:[/b][/color] Caster [color=1a7b30][b]True Name:[/b][/color] Empress Suiko [color=1a7b30][b]Country of Origin: [/b][/color] Japan [color=1a7b30][b]Age:[/b][/color] 27 [color=1a7b30][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=1a7b30][b]Master:[/b][/color] Prefers to serve a Master who will negotiate. [color=1a7b30][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] Mostly support/administrative/defensive abilities. Some ideas I had were: Noble Phantasm: Gate of Babylon. Charisma. Divinity. Golden Rule. But these can be changed. [color=1a7b30][b]Appearance: [/b][/color][img]http://i.imgur.com/BINbimh.jpg[/img] [color=1a7b30][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Suiko negotiates well with foreigners. Sometimes she is quiet and prefers some alone time for reading tactics and enjoying walks on the garden terrace. Suiko has a few flaws, mainly that she sometimes feels inadequate. She wonders why so many people trust her to lead them when she feels that she cannot lead herself. However, she has a strategic and tactical mindset that allows for optimal placement of resources and goals to be reached. Sometimes she spends too much time in her head and doesn't say what she's thinking. Short Biography: Suiko as served as an administrator in a kingdom a long time ago. She enacted rules and kept peace. During her rule, conferences with neighboring courts were opened and negotiations had. She also declined requests from powerful officials that sought to take territory away from the mainland. [color=1a7b30]Catchphrase: [/color] "[i]The walls aren't high enough.[/i]" I can tone the abilities down if this is too powerful. Also I play league of legends on NA too! My name is Suikaz. [/quote] Yeah, they can. Once again, please only 1 noble phantasm. Gate of Babylon is used by Gilgamesh, and is used to summon a lot of swords. Just to give you an idea for how it's used in the show. I won't critique this because it's not yet done. [quote=@Ploxerdon] [hider=My Servant] Username: Ploxerdon Class Name: Lancer True Name: Achilles Age: 31 Gender: Male Master: He prefers a master who goes straight into battle with him, no trickery. Abilities: Noble Phantasm: Achilles Heel He is immune to damage and pain against all parts of his body, besides his Achilles Heel. This gives him close to immunity to all types of damage besides those who attack his heel directly. He is skilled with his spear and shield in battle, able to use both as a weapon. Appearance: [img]http://www.wall321.com/thumbnails/detail/20120310/video%20games%20fantasy%20art%20armor%20artwork%20warriors%20spears%202540x1600%20wallpaper_www.wall321.com_23.jpg[/img] He also wears a shield in one of his hands, and the generic spartan helmet. "He who wins the battle is the righteous one!" Personality: He is young, proud, and likes to fight fair. He lives for the battle. He follows his emotions during decision making. He is aware that he is mortal, so he tries to end his fight as soon as possible, going in for the kill when he can. He really tends to hate those who he fights, while he really cares for those who are his allies. Short Biography: In Greek mythology, Achilles was the greatest hero of the Trojan War and the central character of Homer's epic poem Iliad. Although completely reliable evidence is absent, most scholars date the Trojan War to the 12th or 13th century before Christ, and Homer's epic to the 7th or 8th century B.C. Achilles is also mentioned in fragments of other ancient poems, but it is uncertain if he was a real guy or merely a symbolic depiction of heroic ideals. The story goes that Achilles was the son of the sea-nymph Thetis and the mortal Peleus, king of the Myrmidons in Thessaly. Achilles joined the Greek armies at Troy and became famous for his prowess on the battlefield. Homer's Iliad spotlights the uncommon wrath of Achilles, first toward the Greek king Agamemnon, then toward Hector of Troy. A later addition is the familiar tale of Achilles' heel: Thetis tried to make her young son immortal by dipping him in the river Styx, but where she held his heel remained dry and became the vulnerable spot where Achilles ultimately received his death-wound (at the hands of Hector's brother, Paris, who had help from the god Apollo). Borrowed this from the internet, why write something that already exists? Other: [/hider] [/quote] Just a question about his Noble Phantasm. Does he still get damage, ie: could it be possible for him to get an arm chopped off? Or is he immune to damage? You mention that he's immune to damage and pain, but can it still be inflicted? Nice use of the internet. Maybe make it so that if he gets hit on his foot that he gets hurt instead of his heel, because I dunno about you but a heel is a hard target to hit, and they only hit it because of a god's assistance. I'm iffy on the shield, but as long as it's just a plain shield it's fine. Keep in mind that a lance is a two handed weapon, and thus that shield might get to be a bit of hindrance. [quote=@Ploxerdon] [hider=My Master] Username: Ploxerdon Name: Kasumi Kurosawa Age: 21 Gender: Female Country of Origin: Japan Servant: She would prefer Assassin. She would absolutely hate to get Caster as servant. Abilities: Kasumi is very agile, and is a master of assassination. She can walk and run over any surfaces, including walls and water. When wielding any kind of blade, she is able to damage a mage's magical circuit by hitting them in the right spots (Kasumi has no trouble finding them). Kasumi is resistant to all kinds of magic. She can't really cast magic herself. Appearance:[img]http://cdn.pimpmyspace.org/media/pms/c/f5/rj/xo/ninja.jpg[/img] Personality: Kasumi is cold and only speaks to others besides a select few people she actually likes. She absolutely hates mages and others who cast magic, willing to even backstab mages who side with her. She likes to kill those she faces before they are able to notice her presence. She prefers to fight herself instead of letting her servant do the dirty work. She is very impatient. Short Biography: Kasumi used to be a respectable member of the Kurosawa family, but this all ended one night when her entire family got exterminated by a bunch of mages. Kasumi wasn't able to do anything, and was forced to watch as those who were close to her get tortured and killed. At this day, she swore to get rid of all magic. Her goal is to obtain the Ivory Flory so that she can end all magic in the world. Quirk: Kasumi is a master of assassination and battle with blades, as she usually wields two dagger herself. She is very agile, able to dodge attacks before they even come close. Kasumi is a master of deception, fooling foolish mages who side with her. Other: "They who live by the wand shall die by my blade. " [/hider] [/quote] To start: [quote=@Ploxerdon]She can't really cast magic herself. [/quote] She can't be a master if she can't summon something on her own. :| Like, this is a cool concept, but she can't be a master if she can't summon something. [quote=@Ploxerdon] the Ivory Flory[/quote] What is this? Seriously I'm confused. You could alter this by making her a magekiller, someone who uses some magic (not much) to kill mages and monsters. There was a character in the show whose whole job was killing mages and used very little magic to do so. now I'm going to go stumble off and make my own sheets.