[quote=@LeeRoy]This whole conversation is like two icebergs having an argument. Both of them are drifting apart, but neither of them would budge if force was applied to them.[/quote] *Has been reading this whole time* Is there an argument, LeeRoy? This really seems like just a discussion to understand the two systems and what the failings of the interrupt system are. Rather than a debate to decide which is superior or which is flawed. [@Gun] [hider=Relevant Rant]Funny how I know exactly what you mean about "retroactive interrupts," now. I had to deal with the difficulty of reaction speed quite a bit in my fight against Khan's unreasonably fast (in processing power, reaction, and physical movement) character, Khazna. The character also possesses a sword which allows him to do the following: Cut the space-time threads that cause a magical attack to occur meaning that no matter how far into the spell someone is the entire effect ceases to exist. Meaning that the spell is essentially never cast with few exceptions. Granted, my own character, Raelis, was quite fast and had sufficiently advanced perceptual abilities and processing power that the field was evened [i]a little[/i]. Still that entire fight was just a clusterfuck of interrupts wherein I kept cutting off Khan's posts part way through (because she kept trying to carry out over 2 actions in each post and despite them being high speed, my character had the perceptual abilities to notice so he could react). It was pretty absurd really. Mostly because of the fact that his character "predicted," my actions multiple times while also using those space-time blades, which were absurdly OP. So yeah, I feel your pain...intimately. Imagine your fireball/vacuum nullification situation, except you have prepped it for several turns meaning it shouldn't be easily stopped, and then because of their space-time blade they stop the spell from ever having occurred "just because." Frustrating. I also lost that fight only because we ran out of time and Khan couldn't reply to my last post (we had a deadline), which was more or less impossible to deal with. Mind you it took me the whole fight to set that maneuver up, so it wasn't cheap. It was also notable that Khan's character was the one who [i]caused[/i] the maneuver in a sense. :P[/hider] Ah yes, subconscious metagaming. Tis annoying, but oh well we're all human so we must put up with it ^^;