[quote=@Windicator] I posted before about not getting the Dreq (Wanzer form FrontMission) Size but I went to the wikia (is that really the only FM wiki?) just to check if I could find anything there and on the article about "Wanzer" it is stated that "...Tend to be around 5.5 meters tall, and on average, weigh roughly 25 tons." ([url=http://frontmission.wikia.com/wiki/Wanzer#Overview]source[/url]) I just did that to get more data but if [@Aristo] wants it to be of different size, it still no concern of mine. [/quote] For the purpose of the RP, most mechs that I incorporate 'out-of-universe' will be scaled down a little. So Dreqs are about 4.5 meters; just a tad larger than our own FRAMEs. Our mechs, based on Heavy Gear, have pretty much retained their canon specs. There's a big discrepancy between tonnage in Gears and Wanzers as well, so I decided to use the former. The Scopedog Armored Trooper of VOTOMS weighs in-between 6.3 to 6.6 tons and stand around 3.8 meters. ATs and Gears are so similar and fit my vision of FRAMEs so well that we're using comparable specs.