[h1][center] Onhiel [/center][/h1] Deity of [b]Calamity[/b] Indirect, or Direct: Onheil maintains a direct relation to his followers, most see him as their god king. Appearance: Onhiel appears to his followers as a middle aged man, in his early forties. His once brown hair nearly grey, his eyes are golden, like wheat fields on a sunny day. He has an average build of a man who spent his entire life on the road. His face carries laugh lines and crows feet. Often he wears an old traveling cloak, with trousers and old leather boots patched repeatedly. To other gods he's a well built man, his hair mostly brown with a streak of grey running down the side. He adorns a simple tunic covered by a silver chest plate, trousers covered by silver greaves, and silver vambraces. His feet covered by plated boots. His once worn cloak, white. Personality: As the god of Calamity, he's always the calm before the storm. Though when set off he's as swift as lightning and as destructive as a hurricane. [center][h2] Ebir [/h2][/center] [b]Population:[/b] 195,900 [b]Denizens:[/b] A hardy people who live near the mountains They use the horse as their symbol, and are adept riders, and better horse back archers. They are ruthless to outsiders and construed as blood thirsty savages. They adorn clothing made from the animals they hunt. They tend to migrate south for winters and north for the summers. In the south lays the only permanent settlement a fortress city that lay nearly in ruin. [IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/egob2d.jpg[/IMG] Government: A council of elders often makes decisions when Onheil isn't present. Though when he is they head his every word. Military is made up of the men of the Ebir. They often wear the bones of the fallen warriors, to spread fear through out the enemy ranks. They work in two groups, the Lancers and Archers. The military is incredibly fluid while on horse back, and can often move as a near single entity. Lancers are equipped with twelve foot lances, leather armor, and helms made from the bones of their enemies. They carry short swords and knives as well. Their horses have the bones of their enemy as well included into their armor. Sometimes they use the skulls of stags or other animals to make mock helms for the horses. The archers wield re-curved long bows, and are incredible shots from horse back as well as foot. They have short swords and knives as well. They wear padded armor as well as leather vambraces. They frequently incorporate enemies skulls, rib cages arms, legs, and back bones into the armor on their horses. As is tradition. The culture of the Ebir is to survive the harsh winters, the terrible summer storms. But to also celebrate life because all beings are important. They believe that each animal killed, or enemy slain brings them closer to their God King Onhiel. They have large festivals in the fall, and spring. The fall for the coming of winter to show their loyalty to Onhiel, and the spring to thank him for their survival. They often sacrifice the blood of stags, and their enemies to Onhiel as well as pray to him often for guidance.