[center][h1]Ruink[/h1][/center] While others seemed to value their time enough to desire inflecting bodily harm on those that wasted it, Ruink quite calmly sat in his seat in the middle of the room and happily munched away on a piece of cooked beef that he had sandwiched between two rather fresh and tasty slices of bread (his fins easily slicing through the bread roll it had been to start with). While there [i]had[/i] been seafood present among the selection of food offered to those attending this meeting, Ruink honestly didn't trust its freshness this far inland. Seafood didn't travel overland well after all and besides beef was quite tasty. Ruink enjoyed having his table to himself; He had accepted early on that no one wanted to sit near the 'weird looking zora' and had thus made the most of it by enjoying a footrest while listening to what was being said and who was saying it. In truth the idea that this was all little more then some sort of strange prank had crossed his mind but when he had set off from his home all he wanted was to have an adventure; If that involved falling victim to a prank like this then so be it. Besides, they offered up some pretty good food for free so as far as he was concerned they had more then made up for the prank in and of itself. Finishing his sandwich and making sure his blue tunic was on correctly, Ruink took a moment to take a deep breath and calm his nerves. He didn't shout out like the others did; The answers would soon be forth coming, so he might as well wait and see who was left after people had talked and thought things out properly.