Finished and ready. [hider=Master] [img][/img] [color=9966cc][center] [u]Username[/u] Arisphadrel [u]Name[/u] Mai Tsukigami [u]Age[/u] 19 [u]Gender[/u] Female [u]Country of Origin[/u] Nagoya, Japan [u]Servant[/u] Berserker > Caster > Rider > Archer > Saber > Lancer > Assassin [u]Abilities[/u] Mai had an extraordinary amount of Mana Circuits. Do to this, she generates and takes in such a vast amount of mana at a time that she actually suffers from "clogging" if she does not constantly discharge it in large chunks. The type of magic that Mai focuses on is support and sense-based. She can enhance the senses as well as create alternative methods to let others see a situation, heal wounds or poisons, or create singular actions to force domino effects to create the desired effect. Essentially, she plays on Chance and Conception. Due to her vast amounts of mana, Mai is also able to create a Reality Marble. This Reality Marble -- [i]The Null[/i] -- is nothing made to directly harm or kill an individual. Instead, it is a Reality Marble of [b]puzzles.[/b] Hose unable to escape the blackness that consumes them from the creation of this Reality Marble are faced with...conundrums. Rooms upon rooms lined with cryptic puzzles line the world, with a time limit ticking away to signify how long the victims have before they are inevitably [i]assimilated[/i] by The Null to become the base for a new room of puzzles. All in all with examination, she is not a Magi of offensive capacity. She preferences supporting to the upmost. [u]Appearance[/u] [hider] [img][/img] [/hider] [u]Catchphrase[/u] "You wouldn't believe the things that I see sometimes. You might not want to even if you did." [u]Personality[/u] A vivid outlook of life flowed with stark contrast in realistic situations. Mai is crossed between a girl with a head of fairytales, and a young adult aware of the fragile method of mortality. Mai blurts out what she thinks without consideration half of the time, whilst keeping her own desires and thoughts in her head the other half of the time. Despite that, her morals to fighting and trying to acquire the Flower of Eden is not for anything vicious or evil. is only a single wish -- a single event that she wishes to cease and redact from the present time. If a single source can be so powerful...then it should be able to do what she wants in the end as well. [u]Short Biography[/u] From a dysfunctional family, Mai came with a share of issues like anyone else. Her mother -- a woman sick from stress and genetically-inherited issues that sprung once she gave birth to her child, and her father -- a man that would find himself disowning his only child and kicking her out of their home, would remain a broken family in wake of her leave. [u]Quirk[/u] Mai sometimes resorts to taking a pill known as Duotine to suppress her Circuits. It stops her from risking her life from mana overflow, but puts her under heavy amounts of psychotic hallucinations, renders her paranoid to extreme levels, and causes her to suffer from extreme insomnia. [u]Other[/u] Uhm...Cheesecake. [/center] [/color] [/hider] [hider=Servant][right][img][/img][/right] [color=DEA6FF][center] [u]Username[/u] Arisphadrel [u]Class Name[/u] Caster [u]True Name[/u] Alice Kyteler, The Devil's Bride [u]Age[/u] Physically around the age of 21. [u]Gender[/u] Female [u]Master[/u] --- [u]Abilities[/u] (Class Skills) Independent Action Item Construction Territory Creation (Personal Skills) Charisma Familiar - Demon - Caster excels at summoning demons of all and any variety to do her bidding for the sake of ease. High-Speed Incantation Magecraft Witchcraft - The first witch to lay with the Devil himself per recorded history. Caster has incredible ease creating cruel hexes and performing rituals of hellish rebuke. (Noble Phantasm) [i]Rite of The First Contract: Groom of The Devil's Bride[/i] The ultimate ability in Alice's arsenal. Rite of The First Contract gives her -- as the First Witch -- true priority over the concept of the being known as "Lucifer", "Satan", and whatever other names that he has been given. To call upon this contract is to manifest the True Demon himself into the physical plane to fight in her stead. The Devil is always with her without the true activation of this Noble Phantasm, lingering in her shadow and remaining dormant past offering his "limbs" to act as her sword and shield and pull her from dangers/help her travel over large areas without expanding energy. [u]Appearance[/u] [hider][img][/img][/hider] [u]Personality[/u] Caster, in her incarnation, is a [b]man-eater[/b], so to speak. Dedicated to the visage of the Satanic individual to which she worshipped in life, the concept of the Devil became a True Demon with which she desired to consumate with -- thus, needing to obtain a higher power in order to do so. As such, with such a wish whispered upon her lips, she is constantly power-hungry under the visage of a kinder young lady that tries to drive her Master to her own interests. She is openly flirtatious, declaring that she's in an "open" relationship of sorts should any get her to truly dig down and admit past her simply saying that she's one for her own [i]interests[/i]. Combat is not her style either -- instead, Caster prefers to send in familiars and others to do the dirty work for her. Spread a rumor here or there, flick one domino to send everything crashing...A homewrecker to the end.~ [u]Short Biography[/u] Dame Alice Kyteler (1280 – later than 1325), is said to have been the earliest person accused and condemned for witchcraft in Ireland. She fled the country, but her servant Petronilla de Meath was flogged and burned to death at the stake on 3 November 1324. This is currently the basis of what can be revealed. [u]Other[/u] Under the guise of a full moon, Alice's torso and arms become [url=]skeletal in appearance.[/url] This reverts once the sun rises once more. [/center] [/color] [/hider]