Swifty had just left the library, the young boy ran along the streets jumping up he grabbed a ledge and climbed up on to a roof. He'd learned a lot about castle town in the last couple of months, much like home the fastest way to get where you wanted to go was to go over people. With that he rushed and jumped to the next roof, smiling he began to leap between them, he looked down as some of the people below just started at the blonde boy crossing town in such a strange manner. He jumped down entering the inn music flowed through the air as he smiled, Castle town was much livelier than the coastal he'd come from. Making his way up towards his room he stopped when he spotted a sign, it was about the heroes guild. He read over it once then again, could his bloodline really be that of a hero? It could at least help him figure out who his family is or was, that alone would be worth the trip. Going up to his room he collected his harp and bow, the only two things he really had of any value before grabbing his wallet and quiver. He set off for the guild hall, making his way through the streets quickly hoping this could be the lead he was looking for. Swifty only paused a moment before entering the hall, he took a seat quiet wondering who he should ask about his powers. Absentmindedly he plucked at his harp, it made a soft medley but he tried to remain focused on finding some he could talk to about summoning arrows. He didn't understand this power and he desperately wanted to, it was his best chance to lean about his family.