Karu was running. It happened far too often, really, he thought, as he ducked a flying object that looked suspiciously like a cat, although he couldn't be sure. Honestly, he thought the villagers would have appreciated his help, but apparently they didn't appreciate decent food. Or maybe it was the so-called 'sacred urn' he knocked over that annoyed them. Honestly, you knock over one holy artefact and suddenly you're the bad guy. Not that it was hard to outrun them, mind you. All he had to do was make it to the river, unless these villagers could breathe underwater. He had it all planned out. He'd reach the bridge, pause for a second, say some badass but also incredibly witty line and dive into the water. It would have worked too, if he hadn't been smacked in the face with a flying piece of paper and belly-flopped into the river with all the style of a drunken pig. He flailed around for a moment until he remembered how to breathe, and relaxed, allowing himself to flow down the river, berating himself. This wasn't something he'd want added to his legend, and certainly not something he wanted getting back to his family. What kind of prince couldn't make a dramatic exit? He looked at the piece of paper responsible for this whole mess. He was about to throw it away when he noticed the words 'Heroes Wanted!' and decided to give it a closer look. He skimmed over it. "Dark threats, save the land, ominous secret message... Sounds like what I'm looking for." He mumbled. He didn't bother questioning the "blood of heroes" bit. He was a prince after all, it made sense to him. "Where was it again?" Checking the location, he found that it wasn't far off, so he swam along the river until he reached an area near enough to run in. He entered the hall just as a huge crowd of people ran out, and some strange guy was on the stage, looking like he'd just finished talking. Karu walked in, brushing a crab off of his shoulder and trying to ignore the fact that he was late, as well as that that several people in the room looked certifiably insane.