[@Subject Zero] Nothing too secret that needs a PM. Its something like Epik was the droid that Edo first picked up instead of R7, basically taking his place but continued to stay on the ship after Edo bought Ural'fone. The idea from here was that Edo had been caught by some people with bad blood between them and Edo showed up as Republic ships closed in on him fast, forcing Edo to throw off his illicit wares to jump to another system and pretend to be a legit civilian merchant with the legal goods he also had on board. Trusting Ural with the piloting, Edo had Epik assist him in dumping off the spices. However, in combination of him hallucinating and taking fire, Edo accidentally threw Epik off thinking he was another spice container. After that, I'm not really sure what would happen to Epik, I guess its your choice.