I think I'm going to bow out here, despite my own personal desires to continue with this fine group. I've largely lost my spark for roleplaying, and other than my personal game I'm running on another site that's also on life support, all my other games have died off and I've been in no hurry to replace them. It's not giving me the same satisfaction it did before, and I feel like my well of inspiration has finally run dry. I'm sorry, everyone. I know I've been difficult the last little while, but with a bunch of things like work, health problems, and generally needing to use what free time I have in other ways, I haven't been able to spend much, if any, time writing at all the past 4-5 weeks, of which I've literally written three paragraphs. I hope to see you guys around, and I'll still be floating around if you get the urge to look me up and chat, and you guys are all a fantastic group I enjoy immensely, but unfortunately this is one of those times where I feel like it's unfair for you guys to have to deal with someone like me who hasn't been keeping up with the IC posts and doesn't know who half the characters are. Take care, all of you, and happy roleplaying!